Teenage Dirtbag

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Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus

(Picture of Michael)


I have a plan to get those Advil! Since I have like no money at all, I can't buy them and I'm definitely not stealing money from anyone.

Anyways, when one of the boys come over I'll get them to get them for me when Luke is not in the room.

Hopefully the boys come over soon, that or I have to find a ladder somewhere.

"Hey Lake!" Someone said knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I yelled sitting up.

The door opened and Michael stepped inside.

"Hey Michael" I smiled

"Hey there" he smiled back "we are watching a movie do you want to join us?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed "but could you bring me the bottle of Advil in the kitchen, I'm not feeling good?"

"I'll be back in a minute" I nodded.


I do kind of feel bad for using Michael but at the same time I need to do this.

I need to leave.

Minutes later Michael came back with the bottle and threw it on my bed.

"I'll see you downstairs" he said with a smile.

"Okay" I replied.

He pulled the door shut and I picked up the bottle and twisted off the lid.

I dumped the pills into my hand and counted 38 pills.

That's enough.

I titled my head and dumped the pills into my mouth.

Right as I swallowed them all, my door busted open.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to whoever it was and that's when I knocked on.




Beep, beep, beep.

I wanted to yell at someone to turn whatever that was off but I couldn't talk.

I peeled opened my eyes and noticed I was in a hospital room alone.

I didn't die?! I thought maybe this time it would do the trick but I guess not.

My stomach hurt and so did my arm, I looked down at my arm and one of those stupid IV things were in there.

I was about to yank it out but a hand grabbed my hand. I looked up and met Luke's worried eyes.

"Don't" he warned me and let go of my hand.

I put my arm back down beside me deciding not to do it.

"Okay" I replied silently

"Why did you take all those pills?" he asked as he started pacing around the room.

"Because.... I don't have any reason to be alive" I told him honestly "I don't deserve to be alive"

He stopped pacing and stared at me with wide eyes "What?"

"I don't have any reason..." He cut me off

"I heard you and you are absolutely mad! You are 17 years old, you have your whole life ahead of you and have people who care about you. Why.."

This time I cut him off "I don't have anyone who cares about me."

"That's not true, you have me, Michael, Calum, Ashton, Annie, your parents" he whispered the past part.

"My parents obviously don't care, they shipped me out here!" I snapped "and you guys have known me like 23 days, how can you already care about me?"

"Because!" he shouted and then lowered his voice "please don't do this again, look how about you start over?"

"Start over?" I questioned

"Yes" he nodded "new place, new start. I'll help you, I'll be there by your side"

It took me a minute to say anything but I finally agreed. "Okay"

"Okay" he smiled "promise?"

"I promise" That's one of the promises I broke.

I don't need help (Luke Hemmings) /Editing/Where stories live. Discover now