We Are Young

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We Are Young by Fun but performed by Little Mix!

Italics are for stuff that's gonna happen in the future of the book!

    I hummed softly to myself as I brushed through my hair that was getting long.

I'm feeling so good today! I have no bad thoughts nor do I feel like ending my life, it's a good day.

"What's that?" a voice asked making me jump.

I turned and Luke was standing against the doorframe, why didn't I see him standing there before?

"What's what?" I questioned putting my brush down and twisting my hair into a bun.

"The song you were humming a second ago" he said in a 'Duh' tone.

"I don't really know" I said with a small shrug "I guess I just made something up as I went"

He smiled a little "I like you with your hair up, I can see your pretty face better"

I blushed and bit my lip. He needs to stop making me blush!

"Are you busy tonight?"

I look at him like he was on drugs because why would I be busy? I only know like 5 people here.

"No" I chuckled

"Well good" he smirked "because I'm taking you out on a date, so be ready in 30"

Before I could reply, he ran out the door and shut my door.

Shaking my head, I walked into my room and opened my closet door.

Most of my clothes are pajamas because I absolutely love pajamas and I could live in them, but I do have some regular clothes.

Just not as many as most teenage girls, I'm not really into fashion.

Shrugging that thought off, I pulled a long sleeved crewneck off a hanger and then also a pair of black skinny jeans.

I'm defiantly not the type of girl to wear dresses and I'm hoping Luke is not expecting me to wear one.

Luke and I walked next to each other as we walked to wherever he was taking me.

He won't tell me but I'm sure I'll get out of him before we arrive.


He looked down at me and gave me a weird look "Laaaaaakkkeeee!"

I chuckled "Where are we going?"

He didn't say a word, he just smiled and looked forward again.


"You look cute when you're curious" he stated making me roll my eyes.

"You say I look cute alot"

"That's because you are just cute in general"

"Aweeee!" an unknown voice exclaimed and I looked up.

Standing there was an older lady who was smiling at us.

"Hello" she continued to smiled  "you two are a cute couple, I can see much love"

I raised my eyesbrows and was gonna say something but Luke beat me to it.

"Why thank you!" he exclaimed "We love each other very much"

"I can tell"

I don't see how because I don't love Luke and I never will. That's a lie.

The lady gave us one more big smile before slowly walking away from us.

"She must be blind" I stated

"I don't think she is" Luke replied "I think she's right"





"Nahhhh" I drug out getting annoyed.


I let him win. For once.

I guess we arrived at the restaurant because Luke stopped.

I looked up at the sign and it said 'McDonald's'

"McDonald's?" I questioned raising my eyebrow

He nodded "Most first dates are at some classy restaurants and we are both different so why not a different place"

Okay but McDonald's?! I absolutely hate this place.

I put on a fake smile and walked in the door he was holding out for me.

We made our way to the counter where they take your order and Ashton's sister was behind a register.

"Hey there Rivera!" Luke exclaimed giving her a wave.

She smiled at him and then looked at me "You're that girl who brought over those cookies a while ago"

I nodded "Lake"

"It's nice to meet you," she paused "what can I get you two?"

"I'll just have an ice cream, I'm not really hungry" I shrugged and Luke ordered what seemed like everything on the menu.

I don't see how he likes this crap.

I don't need help (Luke Hemmings) /Editing/Where stories live. Discover now