Story of My Life

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Story of My Life by One Direction! ♡


"Luke!" I whined "I'm fine!"

I'm back home from the hospital and am on bedrest. He insist on doing everything for me but I don't want him to.

As of right now, he's being more annoying then a crying baby that won't shut up.

"I want to help you" he stated pulling the cover over my body.

"Yeah but I don't want it" I said and he looked hurt "look I'm sorry but you're just smothering me and it's a little bit to much right now"

"You're right, sorry" he dropped the cover and gave me a small peck on the forehead before walking out.

I let out a sigh knowing that he was still upset but, I'm too sore to go after him so I stayed where I was.

A knock on the door made another sigh escape my lips.

"Lake it's Michael"

"Come in" I called and the door opened.

Michael walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey" he said as he took a seat at the end of my bed.

"Hey" I mocked his accent with a small smile.

He rolled his eyes at me and pet Bear's back.

"He's upset you know" he told me in a small voice.

"I know," I closed my eyes "I didn't mean to say that to him"

"You know he's debating on weather or not to go"

My eyes snapped open "Because of me?"

Michael nodded.

Of course I don't want him to go but at the same time this is his dream.

Why in the hell would he give up his dream for me?

Without a word, I got up and headed to Luke's room. I walked into his room and found him unpacking his bag.

"You're going to America" I said, after shutting the door.

He looked up and dropped the shirt he was holding. "No I'm not"

"Bloody hell!" I cursed "I'm not letting you give up your dreams because of me"

"I need to be here" he fought back "so we can last for....a long time"

"Nothing last forever" I whispered to him not looking back up at him

"True" he agreed "but I want this to last won't last years if you don't stop what you're doing!!"

"I know" I replied softly

"Promise me" he said "promise me that you'll get help"

Why does everyone think I need help?

"I don't need help" I snapped at him, walking towards the door.

He grabbed my arm pulling me back so I was looking at him.

"Yes you do" he argued and I shook my head pulling my arm out of his grip.

"No I don't! I do not see why everyone is telling me I need help.... I don't need it!" I shouted, my heart was pounding loudly.

"Yes you do!" he shouted back "You keep cutting yourself and trying to kill yourself! Tell me, how do you think your parents would feel if you were  dead?"

"They wouldn't even care" I told him "they sent me here because they DO NOT WANT ME!"

"That's not even true, they sent you here because you were sucking the life out of yourself. They thought a new place would be better and for the most part it has been"

I was so mad that I couldn't even reply to that. He's wrong.

My parents got rid of me because they were tired of me.

"Lake" Luke's voice was calmer "listen to me"

I shook my head "No"

I was crying but I didn't wipe the tears away.

I don't need help (Luke Hemmings) /Editing/Where stories live. Discover now