Ain't it Fun

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Ain't it Fun by Paramore

Little rushed but enjoy the gif of Luke!♡



"So tell me.. how do you not have a boyfriend back in London?"

I rolled my eyes at Luke's question and took a bite of my bubblegum ice cream.

"Because," I replied "I don't really like people so I never went out and I stayed unnoticed at school which was quite easy"

He let out a loud laugh making an old couple shoot him some looks but he, didn't seem to notice.

"I find that VERY hard to believe!!" he exclaimed "I mean how can someone so beautiful go unnoticed?"

Of course I blushed causing him to grin like a damn fool.

"So what's your band's name?" I asked changing the subject.

His whole face lit up when I mentioned the band "5 Seconds of Summer"

"Never heard of it"

"Well that's because we make YouTube videos and only play around here" he shrugged

"You love it," I observed "every time you're playing a guitar, singing or even talking about the band your face lights up like a kid in a candy store"

This time he was the one who blushed.

He's looks cute when he blushes.

Wait, CUTE?!

"Look who's blushing now!" I said in a very high voice

He rolled his eyes at me and I could tell he wanted to laugh but he didn't.

He stared above my head and I turned and noticed that Michael was standing there with his back towards us.

"Michael" Luke called and Michael turned.

His eyes locked with mine but then he turned back around, frowning.

"What's wrong with him?" Luke wondered aloud.

I shrugged and turned back around.

"I'll be right back" he told me and I nodded.

   Turns out Michael doesn't want to be around me because he feels guilty for giving me the Advil and is also mad a me for doing it.

But I'm going to fix it! Or try to at least.

I slowly walked up the stairs to his house and I started to get nervous.

What if he won't even talk to me?

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door 4 times before it was pulled open.

Michael was standing there with bed hair and bed eyes.

He was about to shut the door on me but I put my foot in it before it shut.

It hurt a bit but I don't care.

"Can we talk?" I asked

He rolled his eyes before opening the door back all the way.

I stepped inside and he practically slammed the door making me jump a little.

Michael pushed past me and went over to the couch.

He's being a douche bag!

"Michael!" I said sitting next to him "I'm sorry... I'm like really, really sorry for doing that"

He didn't say anything so I continued.

"I know I shouldn't have tricked you but I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head, they were shouting at me so I just did it. Things like this, have been happening since I was 14."

"Why?" he finally asked "How could you do that?"

I shrugged "Because"

That's really all I could answer?


"Because?" he mocked with a loud laugh "That's not really a good enough answer but since we don't know each other well then..... I'll leave it at that. Just promise me that you won't do that to me again"

"I promise"  I kept that promise because Michael understood.

I don't need help (Luke Hemmings) /Editing/Where stories live. Discover now