'Everything Changes'

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Bella's Truck

Edward is driving Bella's truck in silence, Bella studies him. "Say something."

"What do you want me to say." Edward doesn't look to her.

"That I'm a klutz. That I should have been more careful -" Bella gets cut off.

"You got a paper cut. Normal people get paper cuts. And a normal boyfriend wouldn't have flung you into a stack of plates. A normal boyfriend wouldn't have had to fight the urge to kill you -"

"Stop. I don't want normal, I want you." Edward doesn't respond, just pulls the truck into her driveway. He stops the truck.

"You can't protect me from everything - somethings going to seperate us - accident, illness, old age... as long as I'm human..."

Edward looks to her appalled. "That's your solution? By ending your life? What about Athena?"

"Your giving me forever." Bella says, ignoring the comment on Athena.

He faces forward again, jaw tight. She reaches for his hand. "Carlisle told me how you feel, about my soul, but I don't believe that-" he subtly moves his hand away from hers.

"You should go in. It's late."

Edward climbs out - he goes to the passenger side and opens the door for her. She climbs out. He looks down at her face, he takes it in.

"I'll leave my window open for you."

Edward talks to her quietly. "I won't be coming back. Not tonight."

"Then.. can I ask you for one thing? It's still my birthday." Edward nods. "Kiss me." He kisses her softly at first but then it becomes urgent, he pulls away and disappears.

Bella walks inside, she closes the door and hangs her coat on the hanger. She turns to the living room and sees Athena curled up to Charlie's side fast asleep, both of them asleep. She quietly walks over, grabs the remote and turns the tv off.

Bella shakes Charlie's shoulder. "Dad. Dad." He wakes up and looks to Bella who is grabbing Athena. "Go to bed, I will take Athena." He nods and slowly stands. Bella carries Athena up the stairs and into her room, she lays her daughter on her bed and changes into her bed wear.

Bella gets into the bed with Athena, turns the lights off and falls asleep.


3 Days Later
Swan House

Bella pulls into the driveway, she climbs out with a asleep Athena, heads towards the house but stops.

"Edward. You're here."

Edward stands by the house. Bella hurries towards him but not to quickly to wake her daughter, but slows when she sees his cold face.

"Walk with me?"

Bella nods before pointing to the House. "Just let me put Athena down." She quickly walks inside, lays her in her bed and walks back out. Edward gently takes her hand. She follows but dread fills her.

The Little's Swan {Complete + Edited}Where stories live. Discover now