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I hear a knock at the door "would you like me to get that?" Kyle asks and I shake my head and walk to the door.

I open to see Kenny buried in his orange parka. "Hey" his muffled voice says and I smile slightly moving aside letting him in. Again hr tries to step on my moms floor with his shoes so I grab the back of his parka pulling him back

"Oh right" he says and kicks his shoes off. As I look back at kyle his face looked mad that Kenny is now here. "Hey Kenny" "That's my name don't cream your pants" Kenny says winking at him

I hear another knock at my door how many people do I need here today!? Its probably Stan anyway. Nope! I open the door to Craig!!

"Hello" Craig says giving me the finger with a wave. I sigh and move aside knowing he's here to be here to. As I close the door I hear "Craig!?" From both Kenny and Kyle "what are you guys doing here?" Craig asks

My question what where they all doing here! "Chilling" Kenny said "you just got here" Kyle says. As they have their conversation I couldn't help but notice something moving around in Craig's jacket

I poke at him "he- oh wait" he says and unzips his jacket revealing a Guinea pig "meet stripes my child" he says with a smile which for him fit him quite well

I hold my hands out and Craig puts him in my hands, Sorry Craig but this my baby now. "You brought your rat" Kenny says "he's not a rat poor boy!!" Craig yells. I never liked people fighting my old 'friends' fought a lot when I was younger

I put a hand on Craig's shoulder holding stripes in the other. "Sorry" he says looking away. I hand stripes back and go into the kitchen for snacks!

While I was in here I couldn't help but wonder if Kenny is poor, is he poor? Meanwhile I couldn't find anything so I just grabbed 4 bags of gummy bears and walked back to them not talking to each other

What was I gonna do I can't talk anyway. I toss a bag to each boy and sit on the couch. "Fancy" Kenny says and opens them "there not that fancy" Kyle says ruining his moment

I didn't have my book so I got up to grab it. Hopefully they don't kill each other.


I came back down to see Craig cradling his Guinea pig in his arms, meanwhile Kyle and Kenny are glaring at each other.

I sit next to Kenny on the floor since Craig sat down in my spot but I didn't care. Kenny then stops glaring at Kyle and eats his gummy bears. The silence was killing me so I turned the TV on to some random TV show

I opened my book and tapped Kenny. He looked down then up to me "yes?" He says Kenny. Poor. I watch as he eats the last gummy bear and nods his head. I handed him the rest of my gummy bears then tapped Would. You. Like. Help?

I look up to him ignoring the fact that Kyle and Craig existed right now. He started to look sad but then happy. He moved his hand and taped Yes. I love helping but since I didn't know anyone I couldn't really help.

"Hey y/n would you like to come with me to get coffee?" Kyle asks "no I was going to ask that" Craig said "nope I'm taking her" Kenny said and they all stood up. What is happening?

Mute - Kenny McCormick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now