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My Friend said to do at least one chapter where y/n is on her period, and if people like it I may do a few more chapters with y/n and her mood swings...

We were getting off and as soon as we step out I see my mom right away. We get in the car and start to go drop Craig off then we go home.

I go inside up to my room and fall to my bed since its night time.

Time skip brought to you by
Kyle's hair~

"Y/n!!! This nice boy Kyle is here to see you!!!" My mom yells. Already I just got back!! I get up and go downstairs. God I don't feel well either. "Good morning y/n you look wonderful" seriously I just woke up I bet I look like trash still

I hear a knock at the door. I open to see Kenny. "Aye your back" he says now all were missing is Craig anyone I'm missing!? "Welcome back" they both say.

I just nod my head and go upstairs. "What did you do to her kyle" "what!? I didn't do anything!" I hear them yell at each other while I change my clothes.

I go down stairs feeling fine but I don't think it'll last very long. Kyle and Kenny were talking to each other while my mom came down "y/n dear I have a few things ill need there is a list on the counter" she says and I turn giving a glare "oh no its that time" she says.

"Please y/n just this once, and don't kill Kyle and the other boy" she says. She doesn't even remember Kenny!? "Anyway ill see you later" she says and walks out. I grab the list and look at it.

~Birthday stuff for Y/n~

-ice cream
-pastel colors
-music she likes

She wants me to buy stuff for my own Birthday which isn't until a couple months. "What's this? Birthday stuff?" "Birthday stuff? Y/n is your birthday coming up" Kyle asks and I shake my head no.

"Then when?" Kenny asks. I look over to the nearbt calender and open up to July and tap the first "July 1st!?" Kyle says shocked and I give a confused look. "Dude you have the same birthday as Cartman" Kenny says. Great I share a birthday with the fatass.

"Are you going to have a party on that day?" Kyle asks and I nod "I don't think anyone will show, I mean its Cartman he'll do anything to ruin your birthday" Kyle says.

Jeez he just keeps talking doesn't he? I grabbed the $30 on the counter and start putting my jacket on. I might as well do this now "are you going now?" Kenny asks and I nod. I'm willing to lock them inside if they don't get outside. They both stand there as I lock the door and turn to them and start walking.

'C'mon Blondie locks and Ariel' perfect names for them. I wish I could speak and say it to them. "Y/n are you cold?" Kyle asks and I shake my head no.

The only thing ill except is Kenny's parka. What's wrong with me!! I look up to see the store I need, I open the door and walk in. "Hey welc-" the greeter tries to say but I kept walking not stopping to say hi.

I look at the stuff I need and I'm not buying the cake it will get old and ill cry for it. So for now I'm might as well just get decorations. While I'm doing this I start feeling sad for some odd reason.

My vision started to get blurry but then I started to get angry. I was setting things down no I was throwing them. "What the- y/n? You alright?" I hear Kenny ask and I throw a cup at him. "What the hell? Why'd you do that" he says. I just shrug since I feel normal. I acted like nothing happened

I had everything but I made Kenny hold it all. As I paid for it we started to leave when I remembered I had Kyle to watch to. Where did Ariel run to now? I look around spotting him at the vending machine.

We walked to him as I met the eyes of that Bebe girl. I watched as she watched my every move. Why is she acting like those girls from that movie Mean girls!? I'm guessing its because I'm near Kyle or as she said 'her Kyle'

As we were walking away I decided to inter lock our arms like on the wizard of oz. "What is this?" Kyle asks "dude we should skip like in the wizard of oz" Kenny says and I nod "we'll look like idiots" Kyle said "fine your loss" Kenny says as I let go of Kyle's arm. Me and Kenny were now skipping like two weirdos

"Guys!?" I hear Kyle yell but we don't stop. I felt this rush take over me and I can't explain it, being with Kenny like this makes me happy.

I get tired and slow down while Kenny slows down with me. I looked back to see Kyle walking very slow. "Snail!" Kenny yells "well I didn't want to skip" Kyle says as he reaches us.


I was sitting next to Kenny on the couch. Kyle had to go home. We are watching random things on tv. I turned it to a channel were people were singing not the original singer but someone else was singing.

Someone walked on the stage and started to sing 'nevef gonna give you up'

As it started Kenny jumped up and started singing/dancing. "Were no strangers to love! You know the rules and so do I~!"

(I don't remember the song but here we go)

"Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you!"

I'm ded literally d-e-d. The song ended and Kenny turned around with his goofy smile and I smiled back. He's so cute!!!.

Few more songs came on and we were dancing to every song

Mute - Kenny McCormick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now