(Ezra Bridger X Reader) Visions

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"...are you willing to go through with this task?" Mon Mothma finished.

"What?" (Y/N) asked tiredly, coming out of a trance.

Her mother sighed and shook her head. "I've asked you to find a missing rebel, (Y/N). Are you up to the task? ...or should we find someone more...focused?"

(Y/N) shook her head, eliminating the last traces of the force vision. The blue-haired boy seeped out of her mind, along with the earlier vision of the red lightsaber with two much smaller sabers sticking out on either side above the hilt. They had both worried her, however she had no idea what to do with them since she had no Jedi master to guide her.

"No, no. That'll be fine. I can handle it."

Mon Mothma raised an eyebrow, but nodded nonetheless. As (Y/N) stood up to leave the briefing room, her mother's commlink began to beep and blink. She answered the call.

"This is Spector One- Ghost," said a male voice from the comm.

"This is Mon Mothma," she answered simply. "Good morning, Kanan Jarrus."

(Y/N) turned around, recognizing the name. He had been the person who accidentally found her when he was a padawan. She had, of course, been brought back to the Jedi Temple by him and his master- what else would they do with an abandoned child? Let alone a force-sensitive one- and there she had stayed until Order 66 came in to play. In the ruins of a garden, she had been found by Mon Mothma. (Y/N) had only been five at the time, and so Mothma had chosen to take her in and raise her. Now, ten years later, she was as active of a member of the Rebellion as she could be. Her usual laziness and distracted conscious usually made working fulltime to secretly fight off the Empire a bit too much.

"Any leads on Ezra?" Kanan asked, a hint of tiredness in his concerned voice.

"None yet, Kanan. However, I have found someone willing to track him down and bring him back safely."

"Hmph," said Kanan, "and...who would this person be?"

"That would be me," (Y/N) said as she stepped into the light. "(Y/N) (L/N), active-ish Rebellion member and former Jedi."

Kanan smiled upon hearing her name. "(Y/N)? You're still alive?!"

"Yup," said (Y/N), smiling.

"I thought you were killed! How did you get involved with the Rebellion? Better yet, how did you survive?!"

Mon Mothma nodded, permitting (Y/N) to tell her story. She breathed deeply.

"I ran to the garden after a Jedi that I never learned the name of told me to run. "Run, child. Run, and do not return or look back. The force will guide you, so let it." and then they ran off. I managed to get to the garden when someone triggered and explosion, and the garden decorations nearly crushed me. But, I saw the same Jedi standing near the entrance of the garden, using the force to hold up the ruins. They moved them off to the side before they were shot, causing the ruins to fall. I didn't move- I mean, I was only five when this happened, so I was too scared and I didn't know how to react. So I just stayed there for a few hours until a woman in a hood and cloak came into the garden, picked me up, and ran. That woman, of course, was my mother," she finished by smiling at Mothma.

"I'm glad you made it, but how did Mothma know to go and get you?"

Mon sighed and said, "I still can't explain it, but I felt like I was being pulled towards that garden. And then I saw her and I knew that she would die there if I didn't take her."

"The force was guiding you. The force saved (Y/N), just like that Jedi said it would."

They all sat in silence before Mothma cleared her throat, saying, "I am prepared to send my daughter to any system that you believe we might find Ezra on."

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