(Ezra Bridger X Reader) Freedom

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For Eclispepuppet

Everyone within earshot grimaced at the scraping sound produced by the small shard of metal being slowly forced into the wall, especially the irritated stormtroopers standing guard outside of the cell from which the horrible noise was omitting. This appalling sound was made at least once every day by the cell's inhabitant as she was actively making an effort to count the number of days that she had been imprisoned. Each morning after the prisoners had been served breakfast, (Y/N) (L/N) would sneak a metal spoon out of the mess hall and take it back to her cell. Once she had returned, she would begin the process of carving a new line on the wall, being careful to create as much noise and to take as long as was physically possible. Her aim was not only to have some sort of understanding of how long her unjust sentence was to ultimately last, but also to agitate the stormtroopers as much as she could. So far, her little endeavor had been nothing short of a success.

"...and today is...four hundred," (Y/N) murmured to herself as she drew a new tally mark. She counted up the rest of them just to be certain; nodding with satisfaction, she found that she had, in fact, been imprisoned for four hundred days. 

One may ask why (Y/N) had been sitting idly in a prison for over a year; the answer would have shocked anyone who had never before had an Imperial encounter, however the majority of the galaxy would have peered into her cell with a look of pitiful sympathy and walked away, silently shaking their heads at the Empire's antics. There were days when even (Y/N) herself temporarily forgot how she had landed herself there, until one of the stormtroopers would laugh mockingly as he reminded her; she had simply gotten too close to an Imperial building while taking a walk outside. She hadn't attempted to break in; she hadn't tried to harm the building or its inhabitants; she hadn't even thought to peer through one of the windows. She simply walked too close for the Empire to continue to feel comfortable. No one knew what happened in the building, so perhaps the Imperials were afraid that (Y/N) had seen something in passing. But did that really give them reason to lock her away for the rest of her life?

(Y/N) sighed and leaned her back against the wall, feeling the cool material through the thin, bland shirt which she had been provided upon receiving her sentence. She understood very well that while she had been promised a trial, she would more than likely be stuck in a cell for the remainder of her life. The thought had started as a horrible realization; she was condemned for eternity, left to rot slowly and agonizingly in a small cell under the overbearing eye of the Empire. Over time, however, the idea began to hold the simplicity of stating an elementary fact; she was locked up. She wasn't getting out. It was so simple that it almost made her laugh sometimes. 

And yet, in spite of it all, her only desire was freedom.

And it would always be just a desire.


(Y/N) leapt to her feet as the alarm began blaring overhead. It was deafening, and so she could barely make out the rushing footfalls of stormtroopers as they raced to deal with the problem. (Y/N) tripped over herself, barely reaching the door unscathed. She pressed her ear to to the cool metal, straining herself to hear anything that could tell her what was going on;


She huffed and decided to try her luck with her opposite ear. Still, she could hear nothing distinctive. What was happening?

(Y/N) gasped as she suddenly fell forward. 

She looked up from her newfound position on the ground. Standing in front of her was a very tall creature; his deep green eyes were surrounded by a sea of purple fur, and they focused upon her form as she quickly sat up and backed into a wall in fright. The creature, who seemingly ripped the door away from the rest of the cell, haphazardly tossed the dented metal to the side. He reached his hand out to her, and her breath hitched as she backed up further. If it was strong enough to destroy the cell door, (Y/N) could only imagine what it could do to her if she made it upset.

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