(Darth Maul X Reader) We're Doomed PART 1

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It was dark once (Y/N) was finally able to land her ship outside of the Republic Senate Building.

True, most of Corusant was still awake and active, however it would have been pitch-black had it not been for the lights omitting from every building and speeder as far as the eye could see.

"I hope that senator doesn't actually expect me to just waltz inside of the building," (Y/N) remarked as she stepped out of her ship, Death Sentence 4, and onto the landing platform.

The moment she did, however Senator Rauna Puetti of a system that was yet to be revealed stepped out of the building, alone and dressed to fit in with the average crowd.

"Bounty hunter. I am very pleased to see that you have accepted my foremost offer of at the very least meeting with me," said Puetti, a crooked smile on her face.

"Well, you are a senator. And being a member of the Galactic Senate would easily lead me to believe that you wouldn't dare request anything crazy. Also, most senators offer quite a prize to anyone who will do work for them."

Puetti laughed. "I'm afraid that you are wrong with one of your assumptions. 60,000,000 credits will be your reward if you can complete this task. However, my request will be far from what you would expect from someone in my position."

"What do you mean?" asked (Y/N).

"What I mean is that I want someone. And I want them dead."

"Might I ask who this person is? Or what about this job makes it so unorthodox?"

"You may. Do not repeat this to ANYONE, but a war is coming. You see, I believe that the only way to win this war is through physically eliminating the enemy. Many of my fellow senators would more than likely rather negotiate peace; they will probably believe that it is all one big misunderstanding. However, I am beyond certain that a more sinister plot is at work here. One that we had yet to see. Someone WILL start this war, yes, however it was not the Republic- or the group yet to emerge of...separatists from the Republic. Someone wants something, and they are most likely using this conflict as a diversion. Or perhaps even as a means of getting whatever it is they desire. They want our galaxy to crumble."

(Y/N) stood for a moment, yawned, and said with exaggerated boredom in her tone, "...and?"

Puetti grinned darkly. "I want to put an end to the conflict before it even begins by eliminating the main powers of the Sith."

(Y/N) gasped, "B-But the Sith...they no longer exist!"

"That is what they want us to believe. However, I know for a fact that there is at least one...I expect that he will soon reveal his presence to the Jedi."

"Speaking of which...why not just take this issue to the Jedi? THEY will be able to take care of it, not ME. The Sith are their problem, not mine!"

"Oh, my dear girl, soon the Sith will be everyone's problem."

(Y/N) gave the senator a doubtful look, however she shook off the feeling and sighed. "Who do you want me to kill?"

The senator produced a hologram from her belt pouch and activated it, revealing a terrifying creature covered in black tattoos. It had evil eyes and horns growing out of its head. It wielded a double-bladed lightsaber and sported a black cloak, billowing menacingly.

"Darth Maul," she said emotionlessly.

"Dathomirian?" (Y/N) guessed. Puetti nodded solemnly.

"He is an assassin, based on my intel. I'm almost certain that he will have some sort of involvement with the blockade surrounding Naboo."

(Y/N) nodded, acknowledging what was at stake here. She could possibly be forced to take out a Sith assassin backed by the entire Trade Federation.

It was a good thing she was brave.

"I'll do it," said (Y/N). Her confidence almost deceiving herself.


"Splendid," said Puetti, "report back to me once the deed is done. Then you will receive your promised payment in full. There may even be a good tip depending on how quickly you get this done."

"I'll see to it that it's over with fast."

Puetti turned away as (Y/N) walked to her ship, took off, and left the system. She then removed a holo-communicator from her pocket and activated it, revealing a hooded character.

"Did you do it?" he asked.

"Yes, my lord. The bounty hunter is on her way," Puetti replied, pride radiating from her.

"Good. How much did you tell her?"

Puetti stopped and swallowed nervously. "S-She knows...the war is coming..."

"You FOOL!"

"I-I'm sorry, my lord...I just-"

"Stop your senseless ramblings! Now I truly hope that my apprentice passes this test. We cannot afford to leave an outsider alive when they have that much information!"

"I understand, my lord."

"Sometimes I am still unsure about why I trust you, Puetti."

"Because my only hope is that this war of yours will wipe out the Republic and those planning to rebel against it, making way for your promised and glorious new order."

The man thought for a moment before silently accepting her answer. He then ended the transmission.

"Forgive me," said Puetti, looking hopelessly into the sky. Her guilty conscious could only scream at her as she realized to the full extent that she had just send a young girl to her doom.

Look out for part two in the very near future!

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