[1] Bus Ride

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As I looked at myself in the full length mirror I decided on what I would wear, I was leaving for summer camp today, I'm what people call socially awkward I guess so I definitely wasn't looking forward to it. I turned my stereo on, I'm Like a Lawyer With The Way I'm Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) played through the speakers.

Last year's wishes

Are this year's apologies

Every last time I come home

I take my last chance

I grabbed my hairbrush and jumped onto my bed and began to sing.

To burn a bridge or two

I only keep myself this sick in the head

Cause I know how the words get you

We're the new face of failure

Prettier and younger but not any better off

Bulletproof and loneliness

At best, at best

I jumped off of the bed and laughed. Walking into my bathroom I stripped and got in the shower. After my shower I walked to my closet and got dressed (Outfit and Makeup in the picture above) I finished my makeup and decided just to brush my hair. I ran downstairs with my bags and put them next to the door. I grabbed my phone from the counter and texted my best friend Ashley Mae Besson, Everyone just calls her Ash though. She's the opposite of me, pretty and popular. We've been best friends since we were 12.

*flashback to 5 years ago*

I was scared, today is my first day of high school, I've always been homeschooled up until now. "Excuse me are you okay? you look lost." a girl with brunette hair asked me "I am lost, please adopt me?" I joked. "sure i'll adopt you" she laughed. we've been best friends since.

*end of flashback*

You: hey b x

QueenAshley: hii, are you excited?

You: yeah totally. cant wait *insert rolling eyes here*

QueenAshley: It'll be fine b, i'll see you on the bus ;) <3

You: see ya <3

You looked out the window, this is going to be one long summer, you sighed. As you opened the front door your mom shouted "Where are you going?!" Why did she care? "To summer camp!" you shouted back. "What? Why?" I swear she never pays any attention to you. Gritting your teeth you shoot back a sassy reply "Because I fucking want to! Why do you think? It's for stupid school. My teacher said I should go out and have fun and make friends so yeah, bye!" As you slammed the door shut you heard the faint sound of your mom shouting back an Okay.

You saw the bus that would take all the high schoolers from your grade to the summer camp come round the corner. As you hopped onto the bus you saw your best friend Ash sat at the back of it talking to some random boys from your class that you never bothered to talk to before, why should you start now? You put in your earphones and sit at the window seat manoeuvring around Ashley's legs. You hit shuffle on your playlist and Migraine by Twenty One Pilots flows into your ears as you stare out of the window and see the houses start to slowly get smaller the further away you got.

An hour into the ride, the talking really started to bother you, you had already had to turn up your music all the way but it felt like everybody got louder the louder you tried to turn it up. Eventually you got up and headed for the front of the bus, maybe it was quieter there you thought. There was an empty seat next to a boy that had red hair, you smiled at him and sat down. "Hi" you took out one of your earphones "Hey"

"I'm Gerard" he smiled. butterflies instantly flooded your stomach "y-y/n."

"that's a nice name you got" he smirked. "t-thanks, want to listen to some music w-with me?" You asked. "Sure" you handed him the earphone in your hand and closed your eyes, the sound of Basket Case by Green Day filling into your ears. Maybe this trip wouldn't be too bad after all?

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