[10] Nurse's Office

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A/N - Here's a link to ONE OF my favourite MCR songs because I can xD, My smol beans all look so young omg I'm dead. You can play the song while reading, since it's an amazing song and kinda dark like this chapter I guess, but I don't mind haha, do wat u want lol.

WARNING - Mentions of suicide, swearing, drugs and alcohol, I forgot to put a warning the past few chapters, whoops sorry, don't get triggered pls.


We found Gerard outside on the grass, completely unconscious. Zach was waiting with him while Corbyn was getting you, in case he woke up. As soon as you saw him you almost started crying again but you had to hold it in.

"Shall we carry him to the nurse's office?" Zach asked. I couldn't speak, I was in shock, I just nodded. Corbyn helped Zach and they started making their way there, almost falling over since they were both still pretty drunk.

"Y/n/n? Come on." Ash stood trying to get my attention by waving her hand in front of my face.

"He tried to commit suicide" I said bluntly. A shocked Ashley looked at me "What?"

"He tried to take pills to kill himself, look." I pointed at the empty bottle of anti-depressants on the floor. "Oh my god" was all Ashley could say. I cried so much before I couldn't even cry at all now so my face just showed no emotion.

"Are you sure y/n?"

"Yes I'm fucking sure!" You fell to the ground, staring at the empty bottle and the 6 cans of beer next to them, running a hand through your h/c hair in disbelief. "Shit" You heard Ash mutter.

Ashley composed herself "I'm going to go see what's going on in there" gesturing towards the nurse's office. You just nodded, continuing to stare.

Ashley's POV:

I cant believe he tried to commit suicide, I feel so bad for y/n, I cant even begin to imagine how she feels. I entered the office and saw Corbyn talking to the nurse while Zach was sat on a chair next to the table that Gerard was laying on.

"Was it just him drinking?" The nurse asked, I tensed up looking at Corbyn, "Yeah, t'was just him drinking" He answered, still drunk as fuck so you didn't know how well he will be able to act sober.

The nurse did some tests. "He's alive but barely, we need to try and get the pills out of him quickly or he's going to overdose." I ran a hand through my hair, shit. I looked out the window and saw y/n still staring at the pills and empty beer cans, god, I feel bad for her.

The nurse asked us to leave the room. Twenty minutes later she came out, "I managed to get the pills out but he's still unconscious, he could wake up any minute now, or it could even be a couple of days, all we can do now is wait." she half smiled and left the building so we could go in to see him. Corbyn, Zach and I all walked back in, relieved that he's alive still.

"Guys, we cant tell y/n that he almost died, it'll break her heart." I admitted, they both just nodded. I heard footsteps so I turned around and saw Y/n approaching us, I sent her a sympathetic smile.

Y/n's POV:

I walked into the nurse's office, and saw Gerard still unconscious on the table, I frowned. "Is he okay?" I asked Ash, she nodded "He's fine Y/n/n, we just don't know when he's going to wake up at the moment." I sighed "Okay"

"Can I have a moment by myself?" I asked, clearly exhausted.

"Of course" Zach, Corbyn and Ashley left the room, leaving just me with an unconscious Gerard.

I sat on the chair that was next to the table he was on and held his hand "please wake up."

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