[26] Apartment Party

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A/N - Just want to say I'm sorry for all the skips to the weekends, it's just because Ciara and I cant think of anything to happen at school haha <3

Also thank you thank you thank you! I just reached 400 reads, ily all, thanks for the support, comments and votes



'These Hoes' Groupchat:

5:24 am

Frank: yo peeps, who's alive?

Gerard: me sadly

Y/N: me sadly

Gerard: jinx!

Y/N: rood.

Gerard: ;)

Ashley: stahp the flirting guys

Mikey: ^^^

Y/N: whatever, who wants to come over later?

Y/N: thinkin of having a house party

Gerard: alright, can we invite some friends too?

Y/N: of course, we know like nobody so definetly

Frank: we'll be over at 6!

Ashley: kk byee

"Shit, Ashley!" You shout as she comes running into your room "What?"

"We have 30 minutes to get dressed!" You start hyperventilating and freaking out as she holds onto your shoulders "Okay we need to get you a dress to make Gerard have a heart attack."

You laugh and search through your closet as Ashley leaves the room so you can get changed, you find the perfect dress and put it on, once you both are ready it is six o'clock.

You laugh and search through your closet as Ashley leaves the room so you can get changed, you find the perfect dress and put it on, once you both are ready it is six o'clock

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Ashley opened the door to reveal about twenty people, Frank introduced you to everybody, pointing "Everybody this is my half sister Y/N and her best friend Ashley. Y/N and Ashley this is Tyler, Josh, Brendon, Dallon, Kenneth, Ryan R, Jon, Spencer, Ryan S, Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy, Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack" he took a breath "and Hayley." You laugh and wave at everyone. Frank then points at Gerard, Ray, Mikey and Bob "you already know them." Ashley giggles and opens the door wider so everyone can come in as you turn on the music.

Half an hour later Corbyn and Zach arrived. You walked over to Brendon, Ryan R, Jon, Dallon, Kenneth and Spencer "Hey guys" they all turn around "Hi" Ryan shyly waves. You talked to them for a while before going to talk to All Time Low, Fall Out Boy and Hayley.

You just found out that basically everyone there is in a band so you like to call them as their band names otherwise it'll take ages to say everybody's names.

You all sit in a circle to play spin the bottle. You all decide that Brendon should spin the bottle first so he does and it lands on Ryan Ross. They kiss. A fangirl screams from half way across the world. (whoops sorry that was me)

After about 10 minutes you all decided to play 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen) (if you don't get that reference then FAKE FAN, FAKE FAN, jk lmao I'm so cringy)

Ashley wrote everyone's names out and put them in a hat so people could pick one out. After 28 minutes, Patrick and Pete, Mikey and Hayley, Tyler and Josh, Alex and Jack all had gone in. Now it was your turn, you picked a piece of paper and read it 'Gerard'. You got up and handed Ashley the note and headed to the dark closet, Frank then shoved Gerard in, slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Uh s-so h-how are you?" you asked unsure of what to say since you were pressed up against your ex boyfriend in a dark closet. "Uh, fine, you?" He looked anywhere but you.

"I'm good, you?" You wanted to slap yourself. "W-we already did you." You giggled as he chuckled at your awkwardness. (had to throw in a FRIENDS reference somewhere)

6 minutes passed of not speaking, the silence was comfortable though.

Ashley opened the door and you both walked out sitting back down, still not making eye contact.

After an hour you had drank 10 shots with Josh, 3 beers with Frank, 1 vodka with Dallon, 5 martinis with Ashley and you felt like you were going to throw up any minute now.

*8 am the next morning*

That's all you could remember from last night, you woke up and grabbed onto your forehead that was throbbing. You checked your text messages after you turned the brightness down on your phone since you were practically blinded when you first turned it on.

1:36 am

Ashley: staying the night at Zach's ;)

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down at yourself, you were only in a bra and pyjama shorts. What the hell happened last night? You got up and looked back at your bed to see familiar red haired boy that was topless in your bed, your eyes went wide as you put your hand over your mouth. You threw on his shirt that was on the floor since you couldn't be bothered to find yours in the mess.

Frank was in the kitchen emptying what's left of the aspirin bottle into his mouth "hey frank" you closed all the curtains. "Oh hey Y/N-" he turned around to see you in Gerard's shirt. "Holy shit! No way!" you sat down, head in your hands "maybe?" he sits down opposite you and sighs "what do you mean? maybe? "

"I cant remember anything that happened last night after 9 o'clock." He laughed "neither, those 3 beers I had with you really took me over the edge."

You laughed as you stood up to grab the second aspirin bottle from the cupboard. Ashley came through the door completely sober, she was one of the people that didn't drink last night, trying to get herself together. "Hey guys" she grinned. "Why are you so happy? Oh and what the fuck, why did you go to Zach's house last night?" you were still holding onto your throbbing head.

Frank smirked "So that's where you went."

"Wait did they?" You asked confused. Frank giggled like a 9 year old girl and nodded.

"Hey how do you know?" Ashley blushed like a tomato.

"Just do" he stated as Ashley rolled her eyes, still blushing obviously.

"Wait a minute, that's not your shirt" Ashley laughed. You banged your head against the table and stayed there, ashamed. You heard whispering between Frank and Ashley then suddenly a screech from Ashley probably fangirling that you and Gerard interacted. You looked up at them and banged your head on the table once more, groaning.

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