[35] Wingmen

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"So last night I was reading the book of numbers and I realised I don't have yours." He smirked.

She shook her head "nah."

"If you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple."

You saw Frank wink at Ashley "Uh, try again."

"Baby I'll treat you like my homework - I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long."

That was the exact moment where Zach walked in, his eyes widened and he punched him square in the jaw "Hey! What was that for?" Frank groaned in pain. "Too far man, too far" Ashley shook her head.

"What are you guys even doing?" You laugh as you stare at them from the couch.

"Little Frankie here has a crush, he's practicing pick up lines on me" Ashley giggles as she ruffles his hair.

Frank groans and fixes his hair "So what."

"Come on bro, what's she like?" You ask, grinning.

"Well, her name is Jamia and she's really pretty, I met her at the library" he couldn't stop smiling.

"So ask her out then Fronk" you laugh. "How?" he argues. "By saying; Hi Jamia, i liek u a lot pls go out w meh" you giggle.

He groans and chucks a pillow at your face "that isn't helpful!"

Gerard walks in, sits next to and kisses you, as you smile into the kiss Frank obviously has to ruin the moment by shouting "Get a room you two!"

"We need to help Frank ask a girl out" you tell Gerard trying to keep a straight face.

"Alright, let's go" he laughs and pulls you out the door with Frank trailing behind.

You all bump into Ray on the stairs "Hey man, you okay?" Frank furrows his eyebrows.

"Nah, not really."

"What's up?" You chime in. ;)

"I uh kinda..." he trails off.

"Spit it out bro" Gerard laughs.

"Fine," he sighed "I got a comb stuck in my hair."

You all burst out laughing as Ray glares and huffs "It's not funny!"

"Y-" you try to speak between laughs "Yes" you clutched onto your stomach "it is"

By the time you got your sentence out Gerard and Frank were already on the floor trying to stand up but failing and falling over laughing again.

You suddenly turn serious "Go to your apartment, Ash and Mikey will help you."

As soon as Ray leaves, you are on the floor with the boys.

After about 10 minutes of attempting to stand while practically dying of laughter you all stumbled (ok i accidentally wrote STUMPled xD) into the car and headed to the mall where Frank said he'd meet Jamia.

You all get out of the car when you arrive and walk into starbucks, you sit in a booth with Gerard that is a few seats away from Frank. Your phone vibrates so you pick it up and text back.

'These Hoes' Groupchat:

sunday - 11:36 am

Frank: did u get the comb out of ray's hair? lol

Ashley: only just xD

Frank: lmaoo

Mikey: how's the asking out going?

Y/N: just waiting for her to arrive

Mikey: okayy


Ashley: geesus.. okay!

You set your phone down and intently stare at Frank pulling out Jamia's chair for her.

"How are you?" Jamia asks Frank.



Gerard coughs really loud so Frank looks over and he points at her and nods his head to the side.

"Oh- OH- H-How about you, you okay? you feelin' good?"

You facepalm and he just shrugs at you.

She laughs "I'm good thanks, so how come you asked me to meet you here?"

"I really wanted to see you- And I think you are really beautiful- And I umm... Feel really warm when I am around you- And my tounge swells up." he nervously chuckles "So do you want to go eat food."

Her face went from cheery to slightly disturbed.

"W-With me?" He added.

SLAM. Everyone in starbucks turned around at the sound of the noise. Gerard had slammed his head on the table.

"Fucking hell. Frank is shit at asking people out" You giggle.

Jamia smiles "Sure, i'll see you at seven? Text me the restuarant, I have to go now."

"Okay!" Frank almost shouts as she tucks her chair in and leaves.

Frank looks over at you both and grins as you shake your head, surprised that she actually said yes.

*time skip brought to you by me drinking apple juice from the bottle while typing this*

You and Gerard sit at the restuarant in a corner while watching Frank on his date with Jamia. I guess you could call you his wingmen.

Frank is facing you both while Jamia is turned away from you so she doesn't spot you.

Gerard starts pulling funny faces at Frank half way through the date, you start laughing and choking on your drink as Frank tries to glare at him to knock it off.

Frank excuses himself from the table and heads towards the bathroom. Seconds later you receive a call so you answer "Hello."

"Can you tell Gerard to stop! You both might aswell leave now, the date is going fine!"

"K." you groan as you end the call. Frank shoots you both a look as he sits back down opposite his date.

"What happened?" Gerard asked.

"Frank called, said to stop, let's go home." You get up and blow Frank a kiss, winking as you leave.

He rolls his eyes and continues to talk to Jamia.


A/N - i think 900 words is a good place to stop haha

I thought of another story concept and I really like it but i dont know whether anyone would read it? Please comment if you would <3

Here's the rough idea:

Electric Acid (don't steal the name please since i use it as my killjoy name) is Party Poison and Kobra Kid's sister but she lost them when the apocalypse began, she runs into them 8 years later when they save her from Draculoids, she is hesitant to trust anybody since she used to have a partner but he betrayed her, and eventually she falls in love with Fun Ghoul.

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