[31] Thank You

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Thanks for the 'thought' @kailey_anna <3

I fucking love this photo of Frank so much 😭🙌🏼😍

This is a short 400 word filler chapter so sorry about that :P



You wake up and have a shower, get dressed and have cereal, Zach walks through the door so you wave then grab your bag yelling at Ashley to hurry up. You all eventually leave and begin to walk down the road towards school, Frank later joins you since he's always late.

*time skip to lunch break brought to you by Frank being a savage to his fans on twitter*

You begin to put your books into your locker when the most popular guy at school, Chris, slams you into the lockers. You hiss at the pain and fall to the ground as tears threaten to fall. He goes in for a kick before he's stopped by Frank shouting at him.

"What are you going to do about it asshole?" Chris spat.

"This" he shouted back before punching him square in the jaw, knocking him over. Ashley runs over with Zach as she helps you up while Frank glares at Chris.

A teacher pushes through the crowd that had formed a few minutes ago "What is going on here!" before any of you could tell him, Chris stands up and starts to fake cry "Sir! The short kid punched me for no reason!" Franks eyes went wide, as did yours.

The teacher sent Chris off to the nurses office before pointing at Frank "You! Detention."

You start to run at Frank as soon as the teacher leaves, engulfing him in a hug "Thank you."

"No problem Y/N/N."

*time skip brought to you by Mikey with a fringe and glasses*

You three except Frank walk back to your apartment building. You decide that you all want to hang out at the boy's apartment so you unlock their door with the spare key that Gerard gave you a few weeks ago. "Where are the guys?" Zach asked as you sat on the couch. "Probably band practice and well Frank is in detention." Your phone vibrates so you look at it and press the answer button.

(Y/N is in italics and Gerard is in bold)

"Hey Gee, what's up?"

"Hi Y/N, we're at the recording studio but Frank isn't here. Do you know where he is?"

"Oh, yah. Frank is in detention."

"What? Why?"

"Oh... uh... h-he punched some guy"


"I-uh don't know."

"Okay... Can you please text him to head over to the studio after? My phone has three percent so I should probably go before it dies."

"Okay, bye, love you."

"Love ya too."

The call goes dead so you pull up Frank's contact name and text him.

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