[22] Meeting His Parents

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A/N - I forgot to say OMG thank you so much for over 300 reads and over 70 votes?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I never imagined getting that much, for some of you that might be not much but for me it is, it means so much that you actually like my crappy writing, please If you have any questions then comment them down below, I do want to do a question and answer some time soon anyway <3


Meet his parents she said, it'll be easy she said, nothing will go wrong she said.

Today is the day you're meeting Gerard and Mikey's parents, they're having a family dinner and told Gerard that you're invited as well. Your alarm went off and you got up and got ready putting on black ripped skinny jeans, a fall out boy shirt and black converses, you did minimal makeup and curled your hair. Your clock hit 8:27 am, it will take half an hour to get there and they are expecting you at 2 pm so you decide to go for some Starbucks with Ashley since you have time.

"I'm nervous Ash." You said while trying to warm your hands up on your coffee/tea. She had sunglasses on and was holding her head, "Don't be, it'll be easy and nothing will go wrong." You rolled you eyes "don't be dramatic and how do you even know that, they might not like me" she sighed "how can someone not like you? you're amazing Y/N/N" you half smiled "thanks" and sipped your coffee/tea.

"Anyway, how's that hangover of yours?" You laughed as she glared at you so you put your hands up to say that you'll lay off her. "Has anything happened with Zach?" Her face instantly lit up "Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I obviously said yes" she giggled as you grinned from ear to ear "happy for you Ash."

You got back at your apartment a few hours later, you went to the park for a while so it's lunch now. You decided not to eat anything since you didn't want to look fat when they see you.

*1:24 pm*

You knocked on Gerard's front door and waited for it to open except Ray opened it instead "Oh hey Ray" you smiled looking behind him "Gee and Mikes here?" you asked since you couldn't see them. "Yeah one sec" he said gesturing for you to come in so you did.

He then left the room before entering a few minutes later with Mikey and Gerard, Gee kissed your forehead, after there was a chorus of bye's to Ray and Gerard gripped onto your hand as you walked down the apartment building stairs. "Great I'm the third wheel" Mikey stated as you both laughed "Nah you're not Mikes, Gee just likes me more than you" you said smirking as Gerard playfully hit your arm.

You pulled up at their childhood home half an hour later and you breathed stepping out of the car with them, practically in sync. "Your parents are going to hate me" You sighed "You're worrying over nothing, if their son is happy then that's all that matters" he tried reassuring me.

"And are you? Happy?" you asked looking at your feet.

He tilted your chin up so you were looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, "very." he leaned in to kiss you so you closed your eyes but he just booped your nose and started walking to the front door so you rolled your eyes and followed him with Mikey behind you.

Gerard opened the front door and stepped inside with both of you following stepping inside afterwards. "Gerard! Mikey!" an older woman with blonde hair, probably their mother, exclaimed while running at them hugging them, creasing her apron. "Hey ma, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." Gee said while stepping out of the way so she could see you there, you were shorter than the boys so she probably didn't notice you at first. "Oh hello, Y/N was it?" she smiled.

"Yes, nice to meet you Mrs. Way" You said shaking her hand "please, call me Donna" You nodded as she led you into their living room/dining room.

Their father was sat on a chair and when he looked at you all he smiled until his eyes landed on you. You awkwardly twiddled your thumbs. Gerard hugged his father after Mikey did. "You must be Y/N? The girl who took my son away from me? Yes?"

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