[20] Come Save Me

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You wrote on the black board, hand shaking making your handwriting almost impossible to read, all eyes were on you. You finished the task and turned around, heart rate picking up, you walked through the middle of the class to get to your seat but some bitch tripped you up so you fell flat on your face, everybody burst into fits of laughter. you knelt up and banged your head on her table and everyone just continued to laugh, no one cared enough about you to help, you were used to that anyway by now.

You stood up, tears brimming your eyes and sprinted out the door towards the girls bathroom to hide in a toilet stall. A few minutes later the bell rang and the bathroom door opened. Two bratty popular girls started talking, you recognised their voices, they were Alicia and Jade, Ashley's "friends." (If your name is either of those then just change their name)

"I know right, she's so fat" Jade laughs.

"Yeah Y/n should just kill herself already" Alicia added.

Your face was practically a waterfall by now, all you wanted to do was get swallowed up by a hole in the floor and just disappear but sadly that's not possible. After fixing their overused makeup they walked out of the bathroom, you unlocked the stall door and walked out towards the sinks and mirrors. You stared at yourself. "Hey Y/n!"

You turned your head to the side to see Ashley stood in the doorway "Hi" you wiped your tears and faked a smile. "What's wrong?" You couldn't keep it in any longer and just burst out crying and fell to the floor, she ran to your side and hugged you, you didn't have to say anything, she knew.

A few minutes passed and she pulled away, looking into your eyes with a sympathetic smile before she pulled out her phone and started dialling.

Ten minutes later you were still huddled up on the bathroom floor with your head in your knees, suddenly you were pulled into a warm embrace, you recognised the scent, he smells like... home. "Gee, they're horrible- the girls at this school, they're so mean" you wanted to cry more but it wasn't possible, you were cried out, all you wanted to do now was sleep.

"It's okay darling, they're gone now, Ash is making sure they get what they deserve" he chuckled, you giggling a bit too, Ashley can be, what's the word? 'badass' when she wants to be.

He scooped you up and held you bridal style as he carried you to his car "Gee what are you doing?" You couldn't stop laughing.

*20 minutes later*

You are sat on Gerard's bed watching a movie while eating pizza (the life am I right). He's staring at you the whole time the movie is playing but you pretend not to notice, the movie ends and he motions for you to sit on his lap to so do as told and wrap your arms around his neck as you straddle him. "You're beautiful Y/n." he looks into your eyes then at your lips and back at your eyes again, "Thank you Gee, you are beautiful too" you giggle "I know." I blushes and kisses you.

The kiss goes from sweet and soft to quick and heated within seconds, tongues wrestling for dominance. Before you know it you're both naked.

*the next morning*

You groggily open your eyes and groan at the sunlight hitting your face, you sit up and look at the time 12.26 pm, late for school, oh well. When you look down at yourself you realise that you're naked, covering your mouth you look to your left to see a bare backed Gerard sleeping. Shit, you grabbed your clothes and got dressed rather quickly.

You headed towards the living room and saw Frank sat at the table drinking coffee.

"Hey Frank."


"Bye Frank!"

You quickly shut the door after you and fumbled around with your keys and after about two minutes you finally opened your apartment door.

"Hey, where have you been, I was worried?" Ashley questions you as soon as you walk through the door. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" You question back while putting your keys on the counter, she just huffs in response.

You begin to walk to your room as both of your phones go off, you shut your door and sit on your bed to read the text.

'These Hoes' Groupchat:

tuesday - 12:34 pm

Frank: did you two have fun last night? ;)

Ashley: who?

Frank: y/n and Gerard ;)

Ashley: wait

Ashley: what do you mean?

Frank: the birds and the bees if ya know what I mean ;)


Shit. Suddenly your bedroom door swings open and Ashley is stood there with wide eyes. "Heeeyyyyyyyyyy Assshhhhhhhhhhh" you casually say, she rugby tackles you down and pins your arms up above your head "You didn't Y/n." You slightly nod "I did."

She climbs off of you, eyes still wide. "Holy fuck."

*an hour later*

"We're going over to Gerard's now Y/n hurry up!" Ashley shouts from the front door as you quickly turn your head in her direction "What?" you scream. "Come on" she drags out the letter 'o' and pulls you out the door.

Frank opens the door and instantly smirks "Y/n. Ash." he leads you inside, still smirking. "Wipe that smirk off of your face frank, before I slap it off" You smirk back and he quickly stops, looking slightly scared.

You collapse onto the couch next to Ashley and Frank and start watching a random movie. Of course something has to ruin the moment and by 'someone' I mean Frank, "did you guys use protection?" he says while staring into your soul. You glare and chuck a pillow at him "Shut up."

Gerard walks out of his room into the kitchen as Frank and Ashley stare at him, he notices "What?" he asked, most likely confused. Frank started wiggling his eyebrows and motioning between both of you. Gerard understood and instantly went red, as did you.

Summer Camp ☜ G.W [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant