[13] Promise Ring

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"You cant just sit there all day."

"I've done it before, never underestimate my ability to idle."

Ashley sighed and pulled you up off the sofa(couch), "come on, we need to help him, I don't know get him a therapist or do something."

"Nah, he broke up with me, not my responsibility now" You smirked as you sat back down in your sofa crease (dan howell reference amirite). The breakfast bell then rang startling both of you.

You got up and headed to the cafeteria, avoiding Ashley who was still trying to convince you to help him.

You arrived at the cafeteria to see Gerard sat by himself at your group's table, you groan as Ashley and Corbyn sit down next to each other and there is no room on their side. "What happened man?" Corbyn asked Gerard as I sat next to him pretending to care.

"Olivia kissed my brother." He said with no tone in his voice, I just started laughing and every one in the cafeteria stared at me so I stopped "Sorry its just, Duh, open your eyes? She was using you, it was pretty obvious" He frowned at this, everybody just looked down at their food and awkwardly ate.

After lunch Gerard stopped me to speak with me in private so we both stayed back.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I want to give you this" he took out a box from his pocket.

"W-What is it?"

He chuckled "don't worry, its not an engagement ring" I relaxed and chuckled slightly, obviously very relieved.

"Its a promise ring, I know we broke up, and I'm sad about that obviously, and I miss you, its just a promise that we'll always stay close no matter what" he half smiled.

I took the box off of him and opened it "wow" I slid it on my finger and hugged him as I whispered "thank you."

All of a sudden you start to hear sexy music being played on a saxophone, when you look in that direction you see Ashley and Corbyn stood there.

*the next day*

You were currently playing Sims on your iPad and you made sims for you and Gerard. You are good on most of the traits but you added flirty, thinking that Gerard will simply flirt with you while remaining faithful.

Gerard ends up nearly cheating on you with every Sim he meets.

You start to get annoyed but decide to just add Ashley as a sim too, after ten minutes her sim already burned the house down nearly killing Gerard and your sim.

You groan and quit out of the game and head to the lake to meet up with "the gang."

You give Ash and Gee dirty looks and sit down next to Corbyn, they look at each other confused and shrug it off. You all played a few games, you were still mad at them for what their sims did obviously.

Corbyn noticed this and asked you what was wrong so you explained as he laughed.

"First of all, you two aren't even a couple, and second of all, its a game y/n." You look down and blush.

"I'm going to ask Gerard out." You suddenly just blurt out as you and Ash are walking back to your cabin.

"You shouldn't"

"I should."

"Fine! But that promise ring wasn't an invitation to ask him out, remember he broke up with you, he might not even like you in that way any more."

You groan, knowing she's right. You're still going to do it though, might as well try or you know you'll regret it later.

*the next day*

You walked up to Gerard clearly shaking, you didn't know how you were going to but you were going to try to ask him out, the keyword being try.

"Hey Gerard, I was uh wondering, well I still like you and um I was, yeah I don't know if you want to but you- would you like to uh go out with me... again?"

He chuckled "Of course, I still like you too, your amazing, you're so-"

"Ugly? I get that a lot."

"You're gorgeous!"

"Ha-HA Good joke..."

"Oh shut up and kiss me"

He leaned in and closed the gap between you both, you kissed back obviously, fitting together like a puzzle, your soulmate was back in your arms, you smiled as he pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now" he smirked.

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