Library Love

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Evan stepped through the doors, holding his nose up and taking in the smell he'd grown to love. The library was most definitely one of his favorite places to go. It was a building of endless knowledge, all organized down to the letter. And no one could bother him, for it was the quietest place in town. He could be left alone with only his imagination to accompany him for hours on end.

So when he got a job there he was beyond ecstatic. The women who had worked there since he was a kid were already good friends with him. Of course, they're all older now, but he probably felt more comfortable with them than with his mom. Not that he didn't love his mom. Because he absolutely did.

"Edna, could you check me in? Thanks," Evan have a thumbs up to the lady behind the check-out counter, who gave him a warm smile, then grabbed a cart full of books and pushed it over to him.

"Oh and Evan, could you put these away for me? We're low on people today, so you might have to work a little more than usual." Evan took the cart handles, and winked at Edna playfully, who pinched his cheeks. "What would he do without a strong young man like  you?" She turned around and began to walk away, when a lightbulb came on in her head and she looked at him again. "Oh yes! I almost forgot, stupid brain. They hired a new kid, about your age I think, he's coming in about...10 minutes?" She checked her watch. "Do you mind showing him around?"

"Do you happen to know his name?"

Edna scratched her chin. "Oh what was it? They told me, but you know how I am. Was it something with an K? Or wait it was a C.
C-something. Oh I can't remember, sorry, sweetie."

Evan nodded empathetically. "It's okay. 10 minutes right?" Edna nodded then turned around again, making her way to the check out, where a long line was waiting.

Evan sighed, letting a small smile show before walking through the endless shelves of books, towards the teen section. Edna and the others always knew where he felt most comfortable, so they always left him the teen books to put away. There was almost always no one there, so it was definitely the quietist section. He ambled through the long pathways, starting with the A's, then soon the B's and then the-

Someone tapped his shoulder. "Hey, I'm the new guy and they said you'd be here..."

Evan whipped his head around, his face just inches from the other boy's. He'd know that voice anywhere.

Connor Murphy.

Evan huffed. He want surprised, Connor probably couldn't get a job anywhere else. He took a step back, giving them each some space. After a moment of awkward silence, Connor looked up. "So...what do I do?"

Evan thought for a second. "Just... follow me." He turned a corner, head to the C's, and Connor followed obediently. Evan placed a few books on the lower shelves, the turned around to give Connor a stack, but didn't realize how close he was. Their noses touched and Evan blushed furiously. Connor smirked, but Evan ruined the moment by dropping the books in Connor's hands. "Put these away. I'm... I'm too short to reach the higher shelves, so you'll...need to do them." Connor sighed, turning around to face the shelf. He put the books back with no trouble, he didn't even have to go on his toes to reach the shelf like Evan usually had to.

After a few minutes of silence except for the sound of the books sliding onto the shelf, Connor took a step closer to Evan. " work at the library."

Evan took a step away, pushing the cart toward the G's. "Yes...for about a year now? Yeah I think it's been a year."

Connor moved closer again. "So you like books?"

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