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[R-18] Mature Content|SPG

It contain violence in the bed! Hahah

Sex is life! Oh come on admit it. Haha

Sex is passion

Sex is giving respect

Sex is love.

But when you felt the true love, sex and lust was nothing.

What if? You fall in love with him? What if the lust that you felt turns to love?

This story is fictitious, it just pop-up in my naughty mind. So prepare yourselves LUSTes!!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are fictitious, unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to real person, living or dead, or actual event is purely coincidental. If any part of the story is the same to the other story or work is also a coincidence.



Not an expert in bed I'm just a ordinary writer.


Stripped | Raze×Ash  #PrimoAwards2018Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin