Stiles// I can't let you go

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The song brings emotion in to the chapter so i suggest listening to it at the same time as you read. You TVD fans find the moment form season six.

When y/n first told Stiles that she was dying he thought she was joking, only when he looked into her eyes did he realize that his girlfriend was telling the truth... First he went into shock, he was so confused. He asked why about a hundred times, he thought she was healthy...

Reality only sunk in when Y/n started explaining to him that she had gone in for a MRI for some pain in her head when they found a tumor in her brain, the doctors gave her a few months to live...

He broke down and cursed the world for doing this to him, first he lost his mom and now he was gonna lose y/n. He cried and she cried with him, she didn't want to leave him. It wasn't her time, she was supposed to have more time, it wasn't fair...

It took a few days of being upset and sulking for Stiles to realize what he wanted to do. He was gonna give Y/n her long happy life within months, he was bound and determined..... Stiles proposed with a gummy ring 3 days and they "got married" a week later (not really, Coach was the pasture) They spent everyday like it was her last. they did all the things she wanted to do and got everything in order. I'm not gonna lie it was complete hell for Stiles, knowing he wasn't gonna have the long life he wanted with her and that she was gonna leave him at any time... but he stayed strong for her, if he wasn't strong then she would be to worried about making sure he was okay instead of herself.

For 3 months Y/n and Stiles were as happy as they could be in a situation like this. They were strong for eachother. Stiles was called over to Scott's because of a werewolf problem and left Y/n with Lydia until he got back. 30 minutes after he left Y/n passed out and was rushed to the hospital....

As soon as Stiles got the call he grabbed Scott and sped over to the hospital. he went to the front desk and asked where she was... when he got the room number he ran down the hall but right when he reached the door Lydia stopped him "They said they can make her comfortable." she said and stiles scoffed. "she's not comfortable she's dying." he spit back and walked in the door. Y/n was out, and she would not wake up again.

Silently crying Stiles made his way over to her bedside and took her hand. As he looked at her pale body he spoke his last words to her as he could tell she was gonna go soon. "Baby, it's okay. You can go, it's okay i promise. You just wait for me. i love you, i'll see you again...."

seconds later Y/n flat-lined.

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