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Today's chapter is gonna be a little diffrent. This is somthing that's been building up in my life for months and it just exploded not even and hour ago. The guys real name is not Jax and Dylan's name is also a substitute. I chose not to mention 'her' name as well as my best friends name. But needless I hope you enjoy.

You and your cousin were everything to each other, best friends, sisters. She was three years older than you so it was always kind of her way, she was always right. You were okay with that, you looked up to her, listened to her. But then everything changed when she started dating Jax.

I mean in the beginning you couldn't really say anything because you were dating Dylan, but that soon changed. You and Dylan had been together for a few months when they started dating. At first you got along with Jax, he was funny, and stupid.... but overall a decent guy.

Then as time went on and the five of you (your non related bestie hung out with you guys too.) Started hanging out everyday you started to see her change, she was more distant.

Spending every second of everyday with Jax. You honestly didn't mind because it ment more time for you and Dylan but it still kinda stung, I mean was asking her to hang out with you one day out of the week instead of  Jax really too much to ask?

When you noticed the change you asked her about it, and she did what she alwsays did. Told you were being ridiculous and you didn't understand because you weren't "her age" over the course of the next 3 months it got worse.

You could tell every time she was choosing him over you that she was pulling away faster.

You got that being in a relationship was a lot, but being to strung up on them so mucg that they controlled your every movement was wrong.

Jax was a year older then her, he wasn't innocent and she was. You didn't trust him...at all, your other older male cousins even told her that Jax was bad news, even if he didn't want to be. He keep going behind her back, smoking weed and partying.

  You, Dylan, and your friend tried to reason with her, get her to see she needed to break up with him.
But she wouldn't, she was too head over heels in love with the son of a bitch to see straight.

So she would come back at you, telling you that you couldn't talk because you were with Dylan. You'd shoot right back and tell her that at least Dylan never tried to change you, or lie to you about what he was doing, or try to convince you to do something he clearly knew your aren't ready for.

  Finally Jax had you to a point where you were loathing him, you hated him for what he was doing to the person you were supposed to trust the most.

Then they did somthing, somthing they shouldn't have done, somthing that had hurt you personally because growing up you knew your parents mistakes shouldn't be repeated by anyone and yet they had done just that.

But she told you, because she trusted you, and you promised not to tell anyone because no matter what happened she was your best friend, your sister.
But your little sister had heard the two of you talking and ran to your mother and told her every thing.

The next day your mother came into your room and told you she knew, you tried to deny knowing anything but she was your mother and she got it out of you.
You defended your cousin, and begged your mother not to tell your aunt and uncle anything because it was non of you guy's business saying anything.

Finally your mother left the room and you raced to call your cousin who was at Jax's house.

You asked if you were on speaker phone and she replied with a no, so you told her that your mother knew, she said you were stupid and you should have done more so you hung up.
All was silent for a little bit but as soon as she left Jax's house she text you a whole screw of messages in all caps. Talking about how it was all your fault and you were so stupid, how you should have kept your mouth shut and denied every thing. How she hated you because her and Jax would never get to see each other again if your mother told hers.

You just stayed silent and took the blows untill she stopped her texting.

You were quiet for a few minutes before you broke down and sobbed, how dare she blame everything on you? It wasn't your fault that she was irresponsible and now she was paying for it.
You had had your fair share of screw ups too but never once did you blame her.

You called Dylan and told him everything and he lost it, you too might still be teenagers but he would have been damned if anyone was gonna talk to his girlfriend like that.

He tried calling your cousin twice to set her straight but each time it went to voice mail. You eventually calmed down but then you got a text saying 'delete the messages' and you became scarily quiet.

You knew that then and there things had to change, you weren't gonna let her control you anymore, if she wanted to screw up her life then so be it but you are completely done with her shit.

You said goodbye to Dylan and pulled out your phone and stared writing everything down, hoping that this way you would forever remember that things couldn't be the same, and you blamed everything on her.

Because as much as you wanted to blame Jax you couldn't. Yeah he had made her this way but you knew that if she really wanted to be different then they wouldn't have been together.

And as you thought of all the people you cared about such as Dylan and your best friend who had never betrayed you you finished writing and clicked post...

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