Thomas//Your my home

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  "Thomas!" You yelled to your boyfriend who was fixing to get a mouth full from you. His head whipped over to you and he knew from the look on your face that he was in trouble.

He silently walked over to you with his head held low and you could hear the other gladers whispering about how whipped he was but you honestly did care at the moment.

When he reaches you you shoved him as hard as you could and he staggered back into a tree. "I'm gonna freaking kill you! I don't care what you do Thomas you know that, but all I ask is that you don't get yourself killed but No! That's too much to ask now is it!? All I want at the end of the day is a boyfriend in one peace but then I hear my dumbass has gone and stabbed himself with a driver stinger!" You shoved him again.

  Thomas could tell she was not only angry, but upset. There were tears in her eyes and her face was puffy no doubt from crying early on and he instantly felt guilty. "Y/n i-"
She cut him off as soon as he started. "Save it Thomas I'm not in the mood."
She then brushed past him and went to her hammock where she knew she would be left alone.

  Newt and Minho came upon each side of Thomas and Mamma Newt put a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Thomas.....go fix it." He said before shoving him in the direction she had stormed off to.

When Thomas saw her curled up in the hammock she slept in with her head between her nees and his chest ached. He always seemed to be hurting her one way or another.

He sat down beside her and put a hand over hers but she didn't acknowledge him. "Look know I make reckless decisions that affect you entirely. And I know that it scares you.... But y/n you've got to know that I never intend to hurt you." He started with a sad look on his face.

She was silent for a moment before speaking up. "Thomas it's not like I don't know that your constantly in danger. Cause i do. I'm just scared that I'm gonna wake up one day and your not gonna be here, that one day I'm gonna have to face the reality of living without you and your right, that scares the shit out of me. Because like it or not you are everything to me Thomas and if I lost you i don't know what I would do-" she stopped her self before she was to start crying again.

A few tears fell from her face and he wiped them away before making her look at him. "I will never leave you, no matter where I end up or how bad I get hurt... I will always come home to to you, because that's what you are to me. Your my home."

She nodded and he pulled her into his arms where they stayed for a while before Mamma Newt started yelling.

"Would you stop shucking around and get over here!?"

Dylan O'brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now