Chapter 18

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Brennan's pov
I needed to be nice to Annie. I decide to get her flowers. I go downstairs to the hospital's gift shop. I get her some really nice daisies. I head back to Annie's room. when I get to the room that's when everything went down. Mrs. Katie was talking to my mom and then she stopped when she saw me. She started walking towards me.
"Never go near my daughter ever. I can't believe you did this to her. This is the second time this week that you have put her in a hospital room."
"I...I...I can explain."
"Fine. Explain how you hurt her and put in this place."
"Only reason that I didn't want to tell her that I liked her is..."
"Tell me now or you will be kicked of this room."
"Before Caleb died, he told that is anything bad happened to him, I would be the only who could be the perfect brother figure for the girls."
"Did he really say that?"
"Yes. We wrote it down to prove it."
"Where is this paper, then?"
"It's at home. I will go get it."
I go straight to the parking lot and get in my car. I drive to my house. I hope that the note will make them forgive me.

I get to my house and I go straight to my room. I look for the note in the secret place where Caleb told me to put it. I can't find the note. I turn around to look somewhere else. As I turn, I see Liv holding the note.
"So you never liked me?"
"What are you talking about?"
"The note explains everything. Good thing I killed Annie. We can finally be together alone."
"So you were the one who did it? Why do you hate Annie so much?"
I said that as I take the note back.
"I hate her because she has you."
"We aren't together. I have to go back to the hospital. Can you please leave?"
She leaves and I head back to the hospital. I hope that they forgive me.

Annie's pov
I started opening my eyes. When I open them, I start hearing my mom and Brennan fighting. They're fighting about me. I see him leave and going back to his house for a note that Caleb wrote for a promise. They all turn to me and see me awake.
"If you don't want him to come back, I can tell him to just stay home."
"No! It's fine. Where did he even go to?"
"He says that he has a note saying that Caleb had a promise with Brennan."
"I saw Caleb."
I start to remember everything and realize what he said about Brennan. I look up and see him in the doorway. He looks at me worried. I ignore him and let them deal with the promise. I put my head down signaling that I don't want to talk. They start talking to each other. I look back up and see Liv standing there. I realize what actually happened.

hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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