Chapter 20

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Before this chapter starts I just want to say that it involves some graphic content and/or cussing! Thank you for understanding!
Brennan's pov
I get back to the hospital and everyone is surrounding Annie. I start to worry that something is wrong with her. Annie notices me and everyone's attention that was on her is now on me. They come towards me and start asking me where the note is. I show them the note. They start to get relieved that I didn't just blow Annie off for someone else. They started to tell me that she just woke up and everything will be ok. With everyone talking to me, I didn't realize Liv walk in. I start hearing whimpering. I look towards Annie and she has two big cuts on her arm and there is Liv with a big knife in her hand. I quickly call for a nurse and security. They come as soon as I call them. The nurse takes care of Annie and I take Liv to the hall.
"Can you stop being so mean to her? She has been through enough with you already."
"Fine. Just know that I will be back."
Security makes Liv leave. She leaves as the nurse that was taking care of Annie leaves. A different nurse goes into her room. She informs everyone that visiting hours are over. I look down as I wanted to apologize to her. Mrs. Katie comes over to me.
"Can I talk you?"
We go out into the hall to talk.
"Do you really want to get forgiveness from Annie?"
"Of course."
"Fine. I will give you permission to stay here with her for the night."
I head back into the room. Mrs. Katie tells her the news and everyone leaves me with Annie. She seems to ignore me and goes on her phone. I just sit there. I look over and see the flowers that I got her. That's when I realize no one gave her the flowers. That upsets me a little. She looks up from her phone and starts to talk to me.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yea. Anything."
"Why did you save me?"
This question I have been avoiding all day.
"Well someone had to and I wanted to be the one who saved you."
She probably won't believe me if I told her that I truly care about her.
"Why though? I thought you had a girlfriend, Liv."
"Who told you we were dating?"
"She told me before she stabbed me."
"Don't believe her. She thinks I'm in love with her. I'm truly not."
I start to think of when I told Annie that I didn't like her and that I loved Liv. I don't why I said her name but I only love Annie.
"Then why did you tell me you were?"
"I couldn't break a promise."
"What promise?"
Looks like now is a good time to tell her about the promise.
"Before Caleb died, he made me promise him, in case anything happened, to always take care of you and Hayley. I knew if we ever dated, I would hurt you and would break the promise."
"What do you mean if we 'ever dated'?"
Looks like now is also a good time to tell her how I feel. I look down as I say this.
"I wasn't honest when I told you that I didn't like you. I actually have liked you since I met you. After Caleb made the promise, I tried to stop but I couldn't because I knew that I wanted to be with you."
I look up and she looks speechless.

what will happen next? hope you liked this chapter! (sorry for not posting as much)

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