Chap 4

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Tord's P.O.V

"Tordy~ when are you going to.. WAKE YOUR ASS UP!!??" My dad, Patryk shouted as he pulls my blanket off of me with pure 'rage'. I let out a groan and lazily sit up then turn my head to Dad, He was wearing an apron that says "I love Cook" with a heart on it and he held a spatula on his right hand.

I shot a glare at him, "Fuck off, Dad." I retorted as I turned away from him and lay back down to sleep.

I wasn't able to get any sleep last night due to thinking about Tamara and Thomas. When I finally got a hold onto my sleep DAD COMES IN AND RUINS IT.

Suddenly I could feel a fuming aura from my behind.. Oh-- Shit.. "TORD LINNERUD LARSSEAN!" I quickly sit up from my bed and slowly glace from my shoulder.. "ON THE COUNT OF 3..2..1--"

"DAD!!" I called to my other Dad as loud as I can, then Paul came rushing in for my aid. He still had his boxers on and he had a hanging unlighted cigarette in his mouth. He looked almost like a gorilla.

He picked me up from my bed and into his arms, "What were you going to do to our baby?!" Paul asked Patryk as he gave him a 'glare'.

"I'm going to teach that baby of ours some lesson!!" Paul replied as he points me with a spatula, I let out a hiss at him. Paul held me tighter as Patryk let out a loud gasp, "how dare you hiss at me!" Patryk says to me.

Then he starts to chase Me and Dad around in my room while waving his spatula at us, I would always stick my tongue out when he fails to hit me with his spatula. "Paul!! THE KID IS GOING TO BE LATE!!" Patryk shouted.

Paul paused for a bit and then gave me a glare.. "TORD LINNERUD LARSSEAN!" This time he joined Patryk's aura of death, from behind Patryk rushed down to do.. who knows what.

I tried to squirm away from Paul's grip but he is too strong. "DAD! COME ON! YOU'RE ON MY SIDE!" He didn't listen and throws me back on my bed.

Paul shot a glare at me when I try to stand from where I was seated. Finally when Patryk came into the view while carrying a try full of pancakes and bacon, he relaxed and stopped the glaring. Patryk gave Paul a lighter that he pulled out from his pocket and proceeded to me, "You know you're late, young man." Patryk says as he puts the tray of food on my lap.

"Eat, 'cause you're still going to school." He finished as he crosses his arms and relaxed his body on the wall while looking at me. Paul lighted his cigarette and then looks at me like what Patryk is doing. This dad's... I awkwardly start to eat.

Every bite I take feels like a never ending awkwardness because of the damn staring. I just kept my sight on my food.. trying to not be bothered by their stares.. finally my brain couldn't take it anymore.

"HVA FAEN VIL DERE HA?! (What the fuck do you guys want?!)" I shouted, it made some of my food fly off from my plate. They didn't answer... So for a good minute, I was met with silence.
"So what happened?" Patryk started calmly, I turn to look at him and he has this worried look. "Look, Dad it's nothing.. I'm just not being myself becau--"

"Is it that Tamara friend of yours?" Paul interrupted. I glace over him as he blows out smoke. "No.. it's nothing." I lied.

"Or is it that 'Enemy' of yours that you always talk about over dinner?" Paul added which made me cringe.. "Dad, I told you it's nothing." I stated then moved my tray beside me.

I was met with silence once again.. It's like the silence where you could hear the sound that water drops make, wide and clear. I could feel their stares piercing through my lies.

"Faen (Fuck), OKAY! I'll tell you!" I let out a deep sigh, "So.. yeah, Tamara is my best friend, you guys already know that and Thomas is my enemy." They both nodded in response.

"Just.. a day ago.. I found out that Tamara wears the same Checkered Bracelet with a small cross on the same as Thomas does. That's when I started thinking if they were actually going out or something but she didn't tell me anything.." I start to ruffle my hair, "The other day I 'accidentally' sliced Thomas with a knife during our class--"

"Wait, why do you need a knife in class?!" Patryk interrupted.

"Dad, that was in our TLE subject." I replied,

"But why would you need a knife in TLE?!" he added again,

"Our lesson was Cooking, alright?" I finished him off. He shut his mouth close and let's me continue.

"So.. at our lunch break, I found out that it actually left him an opened wound on his left arm, even his clothing was bloody. Even his Bracelet. I tried to help him but he didn't want to and just left me." I paused for a bit when Paul moved and sat beside me,

"At the same day I was also looking for Tamara. When I finally found her.. her left arm was covered with bloody bandages but her clothes were clean and the only bloody object she was wearing was her Bracelet. She said she had an accident with her classmate." I paused for a bit when I heard Dad clear his throat.

"She... told me her sister would come pick her up so I don't have to wait for her. In our last subject Thomas came in with the same wrapped bandages the same as Tamara.. and he still had his bloody bracelet on." I then felt Patryk place the tray on a table near my bed and sat with me and Dad.

"Later.. when we were dismissed, I saw Tamara at the front gate with a car. Then suddenly Thomas came into view and they started to chat. I then realized that Tamara didn't have her uniform on.. and there was no wound or Bracelet on her left arm. It was all on Thomas." I arch my back, "uughh.. was I hallucinating shit?!" I asked myself.

"I kept thinking.. are they soulmates? Are they dating? Are they siblings? Or am I just crazy?!" I asked both of my 'parents' as I look at them poorly.

Suddenly I was met with a loud hurtful slap behind my head, "FAEN!?" I shouted as I turned to Patryk. "You're being stupid, just jumping into conclusions like that, that you missed the easiest, simple and obvious answer!!" He says to me as I rub the back of my head to ease the pain.

"What are you talking about.."

"What if this 'Tamara' best friend of yours and this 'enemy' of yours are actually the same person?"



This bootyful fanart is drawn by BadLittleMizzy0 GURL THIS IS AMAZING :O I LOVE IT!

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This bootyful fanart is drawn by BadLittleMizzy0

(If you wanna make me fanart you can tag it to me. I'll be gladly to see and share it. ^^)

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