Chap 29

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Tord's P.O.V

"So in other words..?"

"You're Todd Thompson." Paul say as he pats my robot arm to see if it was working fine. Just a few hours earlier I was at Tori's house to clean my robot arm but I completely forgot about that when Thomas and Edd came.

Now that My Dad's are here, they're helping me with it.

"I thought you said you won't get back for.. I don't know? Days?" I ask as I move my robotic arm, shifting it to the left and right. Patryk then came inside carrying a pink photo album.

"Well we thought your parents was hard to find but..." Patryk paused. I look at him confusingly as I waited for him to continue talking. Instead Paul startled me when he turn me to him.

"They're dead." Paul finished making me shut up. Patryk walks towards me and gave me the photo album,

"An old lady now lives in your old house. She gave us this." Patryk say with a smile before kissing me on my forehead.

"I really hope this will sum it all up." He finished before leaving my room. I look down at the photo album in my hands. The front page was written with a child hand writing. It said: Tommy and Me

My heart was beating it's way out of my chest.

"Dad is this mine?" I ask, which I knew was pretty obvious. But everything is just.. surreal. Paul nodded and left my room. As soon as he was out of sight I quickly open the album.

It only revealed 2 photos..

The first photo shows me holding Thomas's hand in kindergarten and waving a stick up in the air.

The first photo shows me holding Thomas's hand in kindergarten and waving a stick up in the air

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The last one shows me and Thomas in costumes for.. some kind of play..

And the other pages were all blank

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And the other pages were all blank.

"Oh my gosh.. just look how cute Jehovah's witness is." I cooed as I brush my fingers on Thomas in the picture.

"I never thought Jehovah would be this cute.. wait."

What does Jehovah's witness mean?


2 days before exam-

"Thomas.. uh.. wait." I call out loud enough for him to hear. He turns his head to me and look at me quite surprised. He leans closer to me,

"Do you mind?! call me Tamara! If someone heard you they'll find me out!!" He whispers while fixing his hair extension. I was fully aware that he was pretending to be Tamara at the moment but I just couldn't help but have the urge to embarrass him.

I was wearing my red jacket to cover my robot arm with my gray and red bag. Thomas was wearing the girl's uniform with a navy blue jacket over.

Everyone turns their heads towards us, I'm assuming it's because of how close we were standing with each other. Thomas quickly took a step away from me when he finally noticed.

"Just what do you want?!" He yelled loud enough for only me to hear, then he started walking to his locker or should I say.. Tamara's locker. I followed him from behind,

"So... we all know you're like.. a Jehovah's Witness right? Since first year??"

He only growled in reply. But that didn't stop me. I took his left hand and raised it for him to see his own Checkered bracelet.

"I did a research about Jehovah's witnesses and I found out that they disagree that Jesus died on a cross and they strongly hated crosses. So... why are you okay having a cross on your bracelet?" I ask before he snatch his hand away from me.

"That's none of your business." He muttered, he looks up to me in an annoyed expression.

"Is that all you want?" He ask, as he slams Tamara's locker close. The sound it made was loud that it made almost everyone in the hallway to whip their heads towards us.

I quickly grab his hand and pull him closer to me.

"Let's talk somewhere else... private." I say and ran to the school bleachers with Thomas behind me. He kept on shouting foul words at me but I was having none of it.

When we finally stopped, he sat on the bleachers to catch his breath while I opened my bag to take the photo album out for him to see.

I hand it over to him and quickly took a seat beside him. He looks at me confusingly, "what's this?"

"Just open it." I ordered and watched him opening the album. When I saw him widened his eyes I quickly planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Turns out I'm the one you've been looking for your whole life." I cooed happily, but my happy face turned into a frown when I saw Thomas lower his head..

"Thomas.. I--" I was panicking and I didn't know what to do. I regret giving him the kiss.. it seems like he is unhappy to find out that I'm actually the person who gave him the bracelet...

I lowered my head and pulled the hoddie over my head in embarrassment,

"I'm sorry.. I'm probably not the Todd you were expecting... I'm really sorry."

"Tord.." I jolted up when he called me by my first name. I turn my head to him and I was greeted by a gentle kiss on my right cheek. I cupped it happily while staring at Thomas.

His cheeks were the bright shade of red, I could feel my cheeks were turning red as well.

"Remember what you asked earlier?.. well the answer is.." his words trails off as he looks into my eyes. I absolutely adore his black eyes.. they are just too astonishing.

"Even if it had a cross on it I just had keep it on because.." I slowly raise my robotic hand up to take off his hair extension. His actual spiky hair sprung out.

I smiled as I lean closer to him while I pull his face closer by his chin.

"it's because you gave it to me."

Finally we both let our lips touch the other.

Checkered Bracelet (Torm) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now