Chap 22

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Tord's P.O.V

Edd looks into my eyes.. waiting for my answer..

Do I really.. wanna help this dude?

I mean.. he and Thomas are more closer than me and him.. so his chance is much more bigger than mine...

Why do I even care if he takes Thomas away? I'm straight, I'm sure this feelings are just nothing. And plus, Thomas hates me..

"Sure.. I'll help you with.. Tom?" I hesitantly reply as I scratch my nape, my heart is aching and my body is shaking. Edd comes closer to me and gives me a hug. Because of his chubbiness.. he feels so soft and warm.. Thomas would love him..

"Thank you so much Tord! You're the bestest friend!" Edd chirped hugging me tighter. I glace at the tall one and he looked kinda.. I don't know.. sad?

Am I really suppose to care?

Finally Edd let's go of me and gives me a smile, "thank you again! We should hangout sometime!" Edd say and then he pulled the tall ginger with him. They walked in the different direction while chatting..

I kept my sight at the tall ginger.. "What's up with Matt?" I ask to myself feeling a bit confused as to why he was wearing that expression. I look down at the box I was holding and it was completely destroyed.. crushed. Some of the cupcakes icing was gushing out of the box and on to my robotic hand.

I yelp in surprise as I let it go. When it hit the ground I look over to my robotic hand.. was I gripping on it that hard?..I didn't think of..

"Forget it." I say to myself and turn back to the shop and buy some cupcakes again. I pick the simple looking ones because of what Thomas had said, it got stuck in my mind.

Suddenly a pain rush through my chest, I hold onto the box of cupcakes a bit tight as I clench my fist..

Edd and Thomas together.. he'll be Thomas Ridgewall Gold..

"Faen!" I cursed a little bit loud that everyone in the shop could hear. A citizen lean over to me with a worried expression, "sir, are you alright?" He ask, making me blink my eyes and snap back to reality..

I whipped my head back and realized I was holding up the line.. Everyone was staring at me worriedly. I pull my hood up so it'll cover my face. I walked outside and hurried home.

I almost forgot about Todd..

I twist the doorknob slowly, taking a deep breath before walking in, "Dad?" I call out to Paul or Patryk. Neither of them answered.

"Dad? Hello?" I continue and walk to the kitchen, setting the cupcakes down on our table gently.

Where are they?

I creep up on the stairs, waiting for a moan or grunt to be heard. I don't want to interrupt them from 'playing twister' because I want them to have their alone time too.

I heard none, I adjust my hearing aid, "maybe it's broken?.." I mumbled to myself and listened quietly. I heard none. So I finally walked up to the stairs and into their room. The door was open and papers were scattered everywhere. In short.. it was a mess.

I walk up to their desk and look up at the clock. It displayed 4:37 pm...

"Well... I took really long..?"

I glance down at the papers.. it was all about.. amnesia? Or some kind. I sighed in disappointment, "Dad, I told you to research something about Todd.. not Brains." I retort as I throw the piece of paper behind me and exit the room.

I decided to go to my room and watch hentai since it's my only friend right now. I let my feet drag me to my room and let my hand twist my doorknob and open the door. When I got inside I saw a note on my bed. I walk to it, taking off my hoodie and read.

Tordy! If you are reading this right now. We want to inform you that we'll be gone in a few days because of.. quire stuff. But we'll be back as soon as we can! If you want you can sleepover at your Cousin's house! Lock the door and windows if you leave!

We love you! Stay safe!

Ask Tori to help you out with your robotic arm cleaning this evening, they also need a babysitter for Torm.

Love~ Dads

I snorted, "quire stuff, my ass.." I lay the note back down and went ahead to change. I guess I do need to clean this robotic arm.. because it did something automatically without me thinking about it.. like.. the box of cupcakes

I narrow my eyes just thinking about it, "I swear I didn't think of tightening my grip on it.." I reassure to myself before I continue with my stuff.

No one's P.O.V

Larsin's home~

"Torm! Don't you even think about touching that!" Tori yelled as she held her hand up to her new son who was about to reach a test tube that was on the bottom shelf just bellow him. He rolled his 'eyes' as he look at his 'dad' while pouting, "Come on dad! It's just H2O! AKA water?"

"Yes! But don't touch it!" Tori retorted as she went back to fixing her robotic arm. Tamara came in with a huge bruise on her left cheek, Tori shot a guilty look at her before she continued what she was doing. Torm jumped into Tamara's arms,

"Mommy! How are you? Did you apply alcohol on it already?" Torm asked his Mom who looked really stressed and a bit messed up. She gave him a gentle smile,

"It's okay.. I'll be going to the hospital for this anyways--"

The door opened revealing Tord in his red hoodie, "did I interrupted somthi-- Oh, min jævla Gud! Tamara what the hell happened?!" Tord covered his mouth in shock when he saw Tamara's bruise.

"Well.. Her robotic arm went off so suddenly and automatically did this.." she retorted pointing at her bruise and glaring at Tori. Tori looked really guilty and a bit saddened.

"Hi Unie Tordee!!!" Torm greeted jumping out of his mother's arms and into Tord's.

"Tordy!! Why are you here!! Did your robotic arm went off too?!" Torm asked while fiddling with Tord's robot arm.

"Yeah.. I need Tori's help.. a bit." He looked at his cousin who gave him a thumbs up.

"Sure thing." She replied as she finished fixing her robotic arm.

"Well then I'll be going to the Hospital." Tamara said as she went over to the couch to get her purse that looked like the one's that Tom brings to school. Torm quickly jumped off of Tord's arms and jumped up and down, "I wanna go too!!" He yelled happily.

Tamara paused a bit before she kneeled down to Torm's level, "well.. that's too bad.. I called a person to watch over you for the time being.. but if you're coming with me.. then I'll have to inform hi-- oh nevermind.. he's here already." Tamara said looking behind Tord as she stood up with Torm in her arms.

"Excuse me?" A voice said behind Tord that made him turn around in a protective matter.

"Unie Tommy!!!" Torm chirped happily holding his arms up,

Tord paused while looking directly at the 'eyes' of the other,


"Mr. Second place?"


Oh, min jævla Gud! = Oh my fucking God!

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