Chap 21

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Tord's P.O.V

Stupid.. shitty.. asshole.. allowing other women to butt into his life like it could not affect at least ONE person!! No wait.. what am I thinking.. this is so hopeless. I look at the box of cupcakes, "maybe I'll have at least one of these." I say and smiled. But it suddenly turned into a frown.

Obviously Thomas doesn't like me.. especially after what happened in the restroom.. I couldn't contain this heartbeat of mine. I clench my fist as I glace over to the other side walk seeing Edd and Matt chatting.

"Those two are very close.." I mumbled to myself while squinting my good eye to get a good vision. To my surprise they suddenly turn their heads towards me and then wave. I hesitantly waved back.

Are they always this close? Are they perhaps dating?

Well that kinda explains why they are so close then.

They look to their right then left to find there were no cars. So they crossed the street to get to me, "Hey Todd!!" Matt greeted in a cheery tone. Damn he was tall.

"Tord." I growl before turning my head to Edd when he tapped my shoulder. He looked.. kinda nervous? And a bit shy? Oh shit I didn't know he has same height as me, he grew a lot.

He scratch his nape, "so.. uh.. Tord." He nervously say while his gaze was shifting everywhere. I narrow my eyes on him making him gulp,

"There's nothing going on between you and.. Tom.. right?" He ask, I flinch in surprise gripping on the box of cupcakes a bit tight.

"Why?" I ask, feeling a bit nervous of what he'll possibly reply to me back. I heard him chuckle nervously while fidgeting like an anime girl trying to confess,

"Well you seeeeeeeeeee..." Matt interrupted, standing between me and Edd. Matt cupped Edd's cheeks and squeezed his face.

"This cute potato over here has feelings for Tim!" Matt happily added while squeezing Edd's face fairly tight. Tim? Who's Tim? And why is he asking me for help when I don't even know who is he?

"Oh! I meant Tom! And he was thinking that since you guys are like 'close' at school maybe you could help him out?"

My gaze shot back at them, "What?"

No one's P.O.V

"Hey, hun?" Patryk called out to his husband who was in the next room in where he was in. He waited for his husband to reply until he got curious and worried as to why he was not answering.

"Hun?" He leaned in his head on the other room, there he saw Paul fast asleep on his work table. He giggled as he went closer to his husband before kissing him on his forehead.

"You're such a dork." He whispered to Paul as he looked over the new 'project' he has been working on. Seeing that everything was a mess, papers were scattered everywhere on his table with spilt coffee all over it. He immediately felt frightened, "Paul?" He tapped his shoulder, receiving no answer.

He decided to clean up the papers quietly to avoid waking up his husband. As he pile the papers into two sets, he gaze upon a picture of Tord that sat at the edge of the table. He was all scruffy and dirty while he's in his kindergarten in uniform. It made him remember how they Tord got into their hands.

He hummed a song as he sat on a chair not far away from Paul's while he held the picture in his palm. He observed how Tord's hair look like cat ears back then but now they look like horns. He laughed at the thought of his son,

"Too bad his real parents weren't able to see how handsome he is now." Patryk smiled sadly at himself thinking of how he would feel in Tord's place. But soon it turned into anger, "but Thank God. He was able to escape from 'those' types of parents." His foot began to tap against the floor.

"Who in the world would just leave their child in the hospital after it was constantly got ran over by a truck." He mumbled angrily,

"RIGHT! THE ACCIDENT!" Paul yelled making his lover fell off the chair in surprise. Patryk sat up and glared at his lover who gave him an apologetic look in return,

"What the hell Paul--"

"HE FORGOT HIS MEMORIES!!" He spun around in his chair laughing like a maniac. Patryk however just stared at him while tilting his head to the side in confusion.

He knew when his husband needed some sleep because he never laughs like this. So he stood up and walked over to the shorter male, 'Pau you need some sleep--"

"Patryk!" Paul suddenly called out,

"Yes?" Patryk replied, Paul turn his head over to his husband. A cigarette was hanging on his mouth and his hair was messy,

"We're going to pay a visit to Tord's real parents."

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