Chapter 30 - END

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Tord's P.O.V

I was fixing up my stuff for school. 2 days before exam.. Me and Thomas kissed.. and let me tell you. After that we canceled our stupid bet. Letting us have the time to get to know each other more. 

I later found out that Sara, the girl who hugged Tom in the cafeteria was actually thanking him for his help on her getting in with her Crush. Now Sara and her crush are dating.

I was really relieved that I wasn't going to have another enemy. Speaking of an enemy.. Edd.

He suddenly... stopped talking to us?.. I didn't know why. But I choose to slide it off. Since I did kinda did threaten him before so it was clearly my fault. 

"You seem to be in a better mood?" a very familiar voice say behind me. I quickly turn around to look at the person. Turns out is was Tamara and she was smiling at me while crossing her arms.

Tamara and Torm are over at our house because Tori was out on her work as the owner of her newly aired Company, 'Red le sour'  a company that specializes in Technology.  Soon Tamara will be off to work as well, working as the assistant of Tori. So they decided to have Paul and Patryk watch over Torm for the day.

I chuckle, "What do you mean by that?" I asked as stood beside her while holding my bag up in the air. 

"Did you finally outsmarted Tom?" Tamara cooed as I lowered my bag. I scoffed and playfully glared at her, "Don't remind me." 

"Well~ did something good happen then?" Tamara asks, I paused a bit.. feeling a blush spread across my face. She smirks at me as she leans closer, "Tom?" 

"WE KISSED 2 DAYS BEFORE EXAM!!" I accidentally yelp, jolting her up in her place. soon Torm came inside my room while he places his 'Tamee bear' on his shoulder. He holds Tamara's hand in defense, "YOU KISSED MOM UNIE TORDIE?!" he suddenly yelled.

I shot an awkward glace at Tamara while she only gave me a smirk in return. She then crouches down on Torm's height with a smile.

"Nah. I love your 'Dad' more." She cooed, petting Torm on his head. I then gave her a confused look, "Dad?" I asked raising a brow in confusion. Tamara giggles as she picks up Torm in her arms. She then nodded, 

"Torm seems to like calling Tori 'Dad'. It's funny but don't question it." Tamara says as she gives Torm a peck on his cheek. It made me smile of how the way she and Tori got a hold of being parents. It was actually quite surprising for me that Torm's okay with having 2 Moms.

I lay my bag on the floor and open it to check if the 'Thing' I made for Thomas is okay. I didn't even notice that Tamara and Torm was looking at it behind me.

"No way. You're actually going to--" before Tamara could even finish what she was gonna say. Torm covered her mouth. He shushed her, "Mom!" He scolded, making Tamara shut her mouth and apologize. 

I chuckle one more time before putting my bag on my shoulder, "Yeah, I am, Tam. Are you okay with that?" I ask as I stand up again. Receiving a smile from Tamara signifying it was a Yes. I smiled widely at her as she puts Torm down and walk closer to me.

She then fixes my red jacket, making sure my robot arm wasn't showing. She then brushed her fingertips on my scars like she was feeling Tori's scars.

"Don't fuck this up." She whispered to me. I let out a soft laugh, "Language." I scold her, earning a confused look on Torm's face. I crouch down to his level and pet him on his head. With that I dashed passed them and raced my way to the school.

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