Chap 7

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No one's P.O.V

Tord groaned and reaches out to his face to wipe his tears only to be wiped first by his Dad, Patryk.

"It's okay Tord were here now.." Patryk whispers as he pecks his son's forehead causing Tord to shot his eyes open. He felt the pain again, it was unbearable but he kept his mouth closed. Grinding his teeth and clenching his jawline as he shuts his eyes close and took a deep breath.

Tord had realized that he had lost his right arm and his right sight.. possibly next time he'll lose his right hearing. He immediately regretted that he didn't listen to his teacher. His gaze drop as he continues to regret what he did.. something suddenly came up in his mind.. who brought in here..

He tried to remember everything that happened after that.. but all he remembered is the burning feeling on his right face and body when the chemical exploded. He turned to his parents and was about to say something but was interrupted by pain.

Lots and lots of pain.

He tightens his grip on the sheets and took a deep breath again. Both of his Dad's were on their edge seeing their adopted son in this state, they certainly cannot allow their son to suffer any longer.

Paul took hold of Tord's hand again making Tord open his eyes and shifts his gaze to his dad.

"Tord, I know.. you still feel.. a 'little' pain.." his dad started, feeling more uneasy in each word he spats out, "but.. I'm doing this to help you.. okay?" Paul finished.

Tord looked at him in confusion, he didn't understand what he was talking about. Suddenly Paul teared open the bandages on his what used to be his right arm but now is only shoulders, tearing the stitches with it.

Blood spilled on the bed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" Tord screamed as he arch his back. He wanted to sit up but Patryk held him down as Paul pulled out of what looks like an robotic arm with a small device with it.

How the blood was dancing around his now reopened wounds felt like waterfalls of pain. He couldn't help but scream for help.

"NOK! PAPPA! VÆR SÅ SNILL! DET GJØR VONDT!" He tried to struggle out of his dad's grip but to no avail.

He screamed again and again until he heard banging on the door outside. Patryk told Paul to hurry up as Tord kept on screaming while his tears were running wild meanwhile Paul was trying his best to finish operating the metallic thing faster.

"Tordy.. please! We're trying to help you. Shhh.. it's okay..." Patryk whispers to Tord.. laying his forehead on Tord's. Tord seemed to calm down a litte, placing his head on Patryk's shoulder while quietly sobbing.

The banging on the door grew more louder but Tord just ignored it.

The pain he was feeling was even more than just pain.. it felt like Death, slowly eating him out. He suddenly felt numb for a second and stayed still. Patryk noticed this and looked over to his husband who had just finished operating the strange metallic arm.

Patryk covers Tord's eyes with his hands and wraps his other arm around him, Tord felt frightened. He was shaking and his left arm wouldn't move. The pain was too much..

Paul positioned himself as he holds Tord's right shoulder tight making the blood gush out and Tord whimper as Patryk tightened his grip on his son's eyes, squeezing his good and bad eye tighter. Tord was bleeding all over the place..


Tord continued to yell Norwegian profanities at his parents as the banging on the door went wild.

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