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namjoon clutched tightly onto his backpack straps as he attempted to ignore taehyung's yells from down the street, the quickly approaching footsteps echoing through his mind as the blond's shouts for namjoon grew louder. even though taehyung didn't seem to notice it, there were people around; namjoon couldn't just turn around and accept the fact that he knew the maniac screaming at the top of his lungs, let alone that he was friends with him.

taehyung was almost panting directly into namjoon's ear as the younger had finally reached him, wrapping his around namjoon's shoulder. "joonie, hyung! i thought we were supposed to walk together in the mornings! why don't you wait for me anymore?"

"you woke up late," namjoon responded with a small shake of his head. "again. i'm not going to keep waiting for you if it makes me late as well."

the blond's arm slowly slid from around the older's shoulders and crossed over his chest as he pouted. "don't be a meanie. oh, i almost forget! have you thought about which club you're going to join yet? today's kind of the last day for people to sign up for clubs."

namjoon slowly raised his eyebrows in surprise. "i'm supposed to be joining a club? i thought that was an option."

"it is an option, but you promised me you would!" taehyung pressed both of his palms flat together. "and even if you didn't promise me, it would be very, very helpful for you to join a club. it would look really good when you graduate and might be good factor to write about in your college essay."

namjoon didn't remember promising taehyung anything about a club, but it was probably something he accidentally agreed to in one of taehyung's moment of continuous rambling about absolute nonsense. he made a mental note to listen to taehyung more often so that he wouldn't get himself stuck in these sorts of situations anymore.

he let out a sigh. "alright, i guess. i have no clue what club i should join, let alone where to start, so why don't you give me until lunch to give you a solid answer on my decision. deal?"

"deal!" taehyung squealed, clapping his hands together as they approached a crosswalk. "thank you so much, hyung!"

namjoon responded with a curt nod. the rest of the walk to school was silent.

the bell rang, dismissing students to their next class. namjoon had lunch with taehyung, jimin, and hoseok, and he had planned on meeting them near the table they usually sat at in the far corner of the lunchroom. however, he hadn't decided on a club yet, and he had told taehyung that he would have a club chosen by lunch. without moving from his seat, he rubbed his eyes and thought back to what clubs he could take a part in and actually enjoy.

he considered joining the "anime club" that hoseok had joined; there weren't that many members, and they were apparently all sweaty and smelled like grease, but at least he'd have one friend and he'd be surrounded by people with similar interests.


he was snapped out of his thoughts, quite literally, by taehyung snapping his fingers directly in front of his face. he must have zoned out while making a decision. "taehyung! what are you doing here?"

the blond crossed his arms, leaning back from namjoon. "you're five minutes late to lunch. hoseok and jimin have already gotten their food because of how long you've kept them waiting. i just took it upon myself to come find you. seriously, joonie, you've got to take better care of yourself! have you thought of a club yet?"

"i could say the same for you, mister 'i fall asleep at seven but still don't wake up until i'm supposed to have left already,'" namjoon responded. "and yeah, i have. wanna go to lunch now? i heard there's some pretty good food being served today."

taehyung hummed, narrowing his eyes, but a smile dictated the false anger flashing in his eyes. "what club are you planning on joining, hyung?"

embarrassed, namjoon sunk into his seat. "the anime club," he mumbled under his breath. the blond across from him lowered his gaze. the sadness almost wafted off of him, filling the room with a sad aura.

" don't wanna join the literature club?" namjoon had almost forgot that taehyung had managed to land a spot as vice-president of the literature club. at first, he wasn't sure how, but he soon discovered it was because taehyung was the first person to sign up for the club other than the creator and ended up being the only other member for three weeks. "b-but namjoon! i promised the other club members that i would bring a new member today..."

"you shouldn't make promises that you can't keep, taehyung." namjoon sighed, running a hand through his purple hair. "i'm not going. i'm sorry, but i relate more to people who watch anime than people who read actual novels. you know this better than anyone."

taehyung's eyes pricked with tears. "but jin and jeongguk made cupcakes!"

namjoon couldn't tell if the younger was really that much of an airhead, or cunning enough to have planned this whole thing out in order to get his purple-haired friend to hang out with more. either way, that marked the day namjoon sold his soul for a cupcake.

after school had finished, taehyung had grabbed hold of namjoon and practically skipped the entire way to the room that literature club was being held in. the soles of namjoon's shoes scraped the tile floor. his blond friend eagerly pushed open the door to classroom, pulling namjoon in. "i've brought namjoon!"

as much as namjoon didn't want to be there, the scene before him made him question his past decisions.

a boy with black hair gave namjoon a glare. "so this is the namjoon you've been rambling on about, huh? glad to see he finally showed up."

"ignore jeongguk," a boy with mint hair spoke up, fiddling with his fingers. "we've heard a lot of good things about you from taehyung. i'm glad that you're interested in joining the literature club. seokjin's been on the hunt for new members. sadly, not that many people are interested in literature anymore. oh, and i'm yoongi, by the way."

seokjin? that name sounded famili-

"nice to see you again, namjoon." a boy with pink hair walked in from behind them and bowed to namjoon before going to sit next to the yoongi. he knew the name seokjin was familiar for a reason; this boy had been president of the debate club last year, and was the best in the modern literature class that they shared. seokjin had looks, was smart, and very talented―basically what namjoon considered way out of his league. so to have the older speaking to him so formally was almost strange.

"y-you too, seokjin."

all words escaped namjoon in this situation. this club....

was filled with incredibly cute boys!

make a decision:



help me, taehyung!!

doki doki. ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora