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since a majority of voters have decided to write a poem for jeongguk, here's a special scene just for you! we told you something special would happen with whoever likes your poem the most! :) 

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"ugh!" jeongguk utters an exasperated sigh from the closet. he seems to be annoyed by something. namjoon decides to approach him, in case he needs help with something. 

"you looking for something in there?" he asks, poking his head in to take a look at the frustrated boy. 

"freaking seokjin," he mumbles. "he never puts my stuff back in the right spot. what's the point in keeping your collection organized if someone else is just gonna mess it up?" he slides a stacked books and boxes across the shelf. "you read manga, don't you? i remember you saying something about it on your first day here. besides, it's kinda written on your face that you do." 

"yeah, i do." there's a lone volume of manga amidst a stack of various textbooks on the side of one of the shelves. curious, namjoon pulls it out of the stack. jeongguk's eyes brighten.

"there it is!" he snatches it out of namjoon's hand and slips the volume right into the middle of a box of manga. "much better. seeing a box set with one missing is probably the most irritating sight in the world." 

"i understand that," namjoon says, leaning in to get a closer look at the box set he's admiring. "parfait girls?" the series is unfamiliar to him, meaning it's either way out of his demographic or simply terrible. 

jeongguk points to the classroom door. "if you're gonna judge, you can do it through that door!" 

"h-hey, i wasn't judging anything! i didn't even say anything that would come off as even slightly rude," namjoon says, defensively. 

"it was the tone of your voice. but i'll tell you one thing, namjoon. consider this a lesson straight from the literature club: don't judge a book by its cover! in fact," jeongguk pulls out the first volume of parfait girls, "i'm gonna show you exactly why." 

he shoves the book into namjoon's hands. the latter stares at the cover, causing the youngest member to grow impatient. "don't just stand there like an idiot, namjoon." 

jeongguk grabs namjoon's arm, pulling him out of the closet, then taking a seat against the wall, beneath the windowsills. he pats the ground next to him, signaling for the older to sit there. "wouldn't sitting in chairs or on beanbags be more comfortable?" 

"neither would work. we can't read together that way, and it's hard to read manga aloud to a person."

"ah, i guess it is easier to be close together like this." namjoon takes his seat beside the black-haired male. 

"don't just say that! you'll make me feel weird about it!" jeongguk crosses his arms and scoots an inch away from namjoon. namjoon opens the book, and it's only a few seconds before jeongguk once again inches closer, reclaiming the additional space while he hopes the other won't notice. he peers over namjoon's shoulder, much more eager to begin reading than namjoon. 

"so, what should i expect from this?" namjoon asks, beginning to read the first page. "is there going to be a plot?" 

jeongguk scoffs. "obviously! you think i would enjoy something that didn't have a plot? i mean, a lot of the beginning is about simple things, but that just helps you to get to know the characters! and besides, it's still entertaining. but later on, there's all kinds of drama. like when they get into all their backstories and when some of the romance starts to happen. that's really what makes it so good. there are so many touching parts." 

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