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"sup?" jeongguk asks, a wide smile on his face as namjoon opens the door. he wasn't sure what he was expecting, but seeing the ravenette in something other than his school uniform totally threw him off. "don't make it feel so awkward already! it's gonna be a long afternoon, so don't be weird just because you're not used to seeing me outside of school. anyway, i'm coming." 

"let's go to the kitchen," namjoon says, returning a smile to jeongguk. 

jeongguk smirks. "what, you're not gonna offer to take this heavy bag from me? where's your hospitality, namjoon?"

"since when did i need to be a gentleman?" he takes the bag from jeongguk, almost dropping it. "ghk—! this is ridiculously heavy!"

jeongguk laughs, standing proudly. "i carried that all the way here. impressed?" 

"yeah, i am impressed, jeongguk. it seems like i always underestimate you."

"just because i don't have a mature and sexy figure like yoongi doesn't mean you should treat me like—" jeongguk catches his words, facing going red. "forget it! i didn't say anything."

"i should apologize," namjoon said, sighing. "i appreciate that you carried that all the way here. i should have been a little more considerate, too. but also, if that's what you're thinking, then you should know that a lot of people are into body types like yours." 

"how would you know that?" jeongguk asked, voice soft. 

"just trust me on this one," namjoon responds as he sets the heavy bag on his counter.



before long, the whole kitchen is a mess. jeongguk is babysitting every one of namjoon's movements in order to make sure that the older boy doesn't mess up seokjin's cooking. "where did you put the food coloring?" 

"i think it's still in the bag, next to the table," namjoon responds. "what are you using it for?" 

"to color the icing, dummy! i'm making each tray of cupcakes have a different color. that way, even if the flavors are the same, everyone can still pick their favorite color." jeongguk watched namjoon with expectant eyes. "come on, at least give me some feedback or ideas or something, because you're not putting any effort into this at all! can't you at least try to have fun?"

namjoon leans against the counter. "i am having fun." he watches as jeongguk drops food coloring into different bowls of icing. "that does look pretty cool. maybe i'll use the food coloring too." 

"sounds like you're starting to understand! just make sure you completely finish mixing your icing before you mess with the food coloring, mkay?" jeongguk peeks into the bowl. "your icing is still all lumpy! are you even trying? i'll be here all night if you keep doing it like that. here, look." jeongguk steals the bowl and whisk from namjoon, tilting the bowl back. "you really need to beat the crap out of it!" 

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