understanding the poems (not special ones)

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of self-harm, suicide, abuse, etc.

i don't feel like typing much so let's just get right into it. we're going to be going by character. enjoy or some shit


1) arc one, second day - i want breakfast: as taehyung admits in the story, he wrote this poem in the morning before school. it makes references to his depression and how he doesn't want to wake up, except for when the sunshine comes. the sunshine in this poem can potentially refer to namjoon, as taehyung's love for the aforementioned is what keeps him alive/awake.

2) arc one, third day - bottles: this sad poem is about taehyung's relationship with his friends, and how everyone sees him as a source of happiness and joy (the "bottles") and has come to expect that from him, even though taehyung actually suffers from depression. as a result, taehyung tries and tries to find positivity to give to his friends, digging deeper into his feelings in the process. eventually he runs out, and his head is devoid of any real happiness.

3) arc one, festival day - %: this "poem" is the first "scary" moment of the story, as it's shown before namjoon discovers taehyung's corpse. it's clearly a reference to seokjin's meddling in taehyung's emotions to make him more depressed, and taehyung seems to have become somewhat aware of seokjin's presence. he sees his own suicide as a result of his love for namjoon, and the final two lines imply that his depression will continue, even after he "stops moving."


1) arc one, second day - eagles can fly: this cute poem, as jeongguk directly tells you, is about giving up (similar to yoongi's first poem). his poems generally have the least hidden meaning as he likes the message to jump out at readers. it's possible though, that this "giving up" is somewhat related to his abusive situation at home (though i won't tell you that).

2) arc one, third day - amy likes spiders: at first glance, this looks like another cute jeongguk poem that's a fun read. however, there are potentially much deeper meanings if you look closely. this poem was written in juxtaposition to yoongi's raccoon poem, a fairly obvious metaphor of his cutting. amy in this poem is yoongi, and "loving spider" is a nod to yoongi's self-harm. jeongguk sees how yoongi's dark poems about his guilty pleasure draw praise from the rest of the literature club while his poems are said to be childish, and this worries him. "what if people like namjoon are inadvertently encouraging yoongi to hurt himself?" this poem shows that jeongguk sees all of yoongi's good qualities as well, but he is afraid to get closer because that would mean that he would have to accept yoongi's habits. the last line of the poem indicates that jeongguk is ready to talk about yoongi's problem and confront it head on.

3) arc one, fourth day (if most poems appealed to jeongguk) - because you: this is a standard, but sweet, love poem written by jeongguk to namjoon. it speaks to how namjoon helps him feel loved despite his insecurities.

4) arc one, fourth day (otherwise) - i'll be your beach: a potential explanation for this poem is that jeongguk is writing to yoongi and comforting him. he is willing to carry yoongi's burdens so that he can love himself again.

5) arc two, second day (if the first poem appealed to jeongguk) - T3BlbiBZb3VyIFRoaXJkIEV5ZQ==: this poem is actually encoded in base64 and has a title that translates to "open your third eye" with the following text; "i can feel the tenderness of his skin through the knife, as if it were an extension of my sense of touch. my body nearly convulses. there's something incredibly faint, deep down, that screams to resist this uncontrollable pleasure. but i can already tell that i'm being pushed over the edge. i can't...i can't stop myself." i'll explain further in yoongi's poems.

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