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the boy, who namjoon assumes is jeongguk, folds his arms over his chest. "so, let me guess—you're namjoon's boyfriend, right?" 

"jeongguk..." the boy with mint hair scolds.

jeongguk, who has younger features, is a boy that namjoon doesn't recognize, making him assume that the boy is the youngest there. seokjin laughs nervously, scratching his neck. "this is jeongguk, energetic as usual, and this is yoongi. he's the vice president!"

yoongi smiles timidly, setting his book down on the desk in front of him. "it's nice to meet you."

"seokjin, didn't i tell you to let me know in advance before you brought any new club members?" jeongguk complained, taking his seat again. "i was going know.."

"i'm sorry, i didn't forget about that! i just happened to run into him."

yoongi stood up, brushing off his school uniform. "well, since we don't have any snacks, how about i make some tea?" he walks to the back of the room, opening up the closet. 

the boys have some desks arrange to form a table, and seokjin and jeongguk sit across from each other. still feeling awkward, namjoon decides to take a seat next to seokjin, who smiles at namjoon sweetly. "i know you didn't really plan on spending after school here, but we'll make sure you feel right at home in this club, okay? as president of the literature club, that's my job! i'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate. right, jeongguk?" 

jeongguk shrugs. "i guess." 

eventually, yoongi returns to the table with a tea set in his hands. namjoon feels confusion rise inside of him. "you...keep an entire tea set inside of the classroom?" 

"the teachers let us keep just about anything in here!" seokjin cheers. "as long as we aren't destroying school property or bringing anything against school rules in here, the teachers don't mind at all."

yoongi pours tea into namjoon's cup. "so, what kind of things are you into reading?" 

nervously, namjoon fiddled with his fingers. he hadn't read much over the past few years. "manga..."

jeongguk's head perks up, looking like he might say something, but instead keeps quiet. yoongi, on the other hand, sighs. "not much of a reader then, huh?"

"well, that can change..." what am i saying? i spoke without thinking after seeing yoongi's sad smile. "anyway, what about you? what does yoongi like to read?" 

yoongi traced the rim of his teacup, focusing on the dark liquid inside of it. "my favorites are usually novels that build complex fantasy worlds. the level of creativity behind them amazes me, and telling a good story in such a foreign world is just as impressive, in my opinion." yoongi pauses. "but you know, i actually like a lot of things. stories with deep psychological elements, horror..."

"i'd expect that from you, yoongi. it suits your personality," seokjin butted in, taking a sip of his tea. the male was smiling at his club member.

jeongguk, however, wrinkled his nose. "ew, i hate horror, because-" his eyes dart over to namjoon for a second. "never mind." 

"that's right," seokjin responded, pulling out a small, folded sheet of paper. "you usually like to write about cute things. you left this piece of paper behind yesterday. it's a poem, titled-"

"don't say it out loud!" jeongguk screeched, tearing the paper away from seokjin's hand. namjoon gave the raven-haired male a questioning look. "what? i write my own poems sometimes. do you have a problem with it?"

"no, i actually think it's impressive. you should share one with us some time." 

jeongguk averts his eyes. "n-no! you wouldn' them."

yoongi nodded. "i understand how he feels. sharing your writing takes more than a normal amount of confidence. it's like opening up to your readers, letting them into your mind to peek at your deepest thoughts." 

"do you have writing experience too, yoongi?" seokjin asked, setting his elbows on the table. "maybe you could share some of your work! that would set an example for jeongguk, and make him feel comfortable enough to share his own."

yoongi visibly deflates. "i don't, uh-" 

"hey, i just got an idea!" seokjin smiled widely, pressing his palms flat against each other. "let's all go home and write a poem of our own. tomorrow, we'll share our poems amongst each other. that way everyone is even." yoongi looks down, and jeongguk repeatedly shakes his head. seokjin sighs. "i just...i'm sorry, i thought it was a good idea." 

"i think you're right, seokjin. we need start participating in club activities together, and i did decide to take on responsibility as vice president, so i need to nurture the club as well as its members too. and now that we have a new member, i think it's a good step," yoongi said, sounding confident in his words.

"hold on, there's still one problem!" namjoon exclaimed. "i never said i would join this club. i was convinced to stop by, but i never made any decision. i still have other clubs to look at and-" he loses his train of thought. all three boys stare back with dejected eyes. 

"b-but..." seokjin mumbled, sinking into his chair, looking as if he might cry.

yoongi places his head in his hands, embarrassed. "i'm sorry, i just thought..."

jeongguk just crosses his arms, clenching his jaw, shifting his vision to the table. 

"i guess i need to tell you the truth, namjoon," seokjin smiled sadly. "we don't have enough members yet to form an official club. we need at least four and i've been trying really, really hard to find new members. if we don't find one more before the festival..."

namjoon is defenseless against these boys. he would feel terrible for letting everyone down. if writing poems is the price i need to pay in order to spend every day with these attractive boys... "alright. i've decided then: i'll join." 

"oh my goodness," seokjin's eyes light up. "really? do you really mean that?" 

"you scared me for a moment," yoongi said, smiling in relief. 

jeongguk hides his smile. "if you really just left after all of this, i would be super pissed." 

"okay, everyone!" seokjin spoke up, standing from his spot. "i think we can officially end today's meeting on a good note. everyone remember to write a poem tonight! namjoon, i look forward to seeing how you express yourself."

namjoon feels the anxiety welling up inside him as he watches yoongi clean up the tea set. "i guess i'll be on my way then." 


don't forget to ŝÂÃÄ

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