"credits" + reader interactive/good ending

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ok those weren't technically credits but-

as u all saw, there were a bunch of gifs/images being erased and quite a bit of them were all glitched out and stuff

do you remember in the first "arc" of my story when you got pictures of each member when you hung out w them separately, etc.???? like when u spent the weekend with jeongguk and read stories w the other characters??

well, seeing those images are all signs that you're going to get the good ending-

a lot of u were probably sitting there thinking "?????? if this was reader interactive, that means the ending depends on the choices that the readers makes,,,,,,,,but no matter WHAT we would've done,,shit still would've gone downhill lmao what ! a ! Joke !!" 

but there actually WAS a way to get the good ending,,, those decision-making things were just there to throw u off a bit. at the same time, however, some of the decisions u made would have helped u get those little private scenes

now, here's the thing...

YOU HAD TO GET ALL OF THEM IN THE FIRST ARC TO GET THE "GOOD" ENDING, with the exception of seokjin, because you could only get his in the third arc: "just seokjin".

which was basically impossible, since u couldn't write poems for everybody and spend the weekend w everybody in just one arc....and no matter what u did, it still wouldn't seem like a "good" ending, bc taehyung still would've died and yoongi still would've died and seokjin still would've deleted the entire universe only to bring it back bc he L OVES U

.....so i guess we could call it more of a "neutral" ending? 

anyway, here's the decisions u would have had to make to be able to achieve it:

first poem: it didn't matter order you went in, but we'll go w jeongguk bc why not??

jeongguk, yoongi, or help me taehyung!: this is one choice that didn't really matter, but since we're going with jeongguk for now, the two best options here would be 'help me taehyung!' or 'jeongguk'

i would walk home with yoongi or i would walk home with taehyung: this choice didn't really matter also, but i would seriously suggest choosing 'i would walk home with taehyung'

jeongguk, yoongi, seokjin, or taehyung...: this choice, if u don't remember was based on who u would spend the weekend with. if u chose taehyung, your second best option would have to be picked. if you picked seokjin for second, third best option would have to be chosen. since we're trying to impress jeongguk, the best option here would be 'jeongguk'

second poem: here's where u guys went wrong... since we're trying to court(?) jeongguk first, we would write this poem for jeongguk so that way we could get his second private scene

i love you or you'll always be my dearest friend: this time around, it doesn't matter which option u choose. no matter which one u picked, taehyung still would've gone home and did...u know what. it's just, if u chose 'i love you', you'd get a special little scene and namjoon would end up dating taehyung for like.. a day. now, since we aren't doing taehyung's route, we could pick either one. this time, i would suggest 'you'll always be my dearest friend'

final poem: at this point in the game, it wouldn't matter who u wrote the poem for, but we're not doing that shit here. if i were u, i would keep writing the poem for jeongguk. u will have basically maxed out all jeongguk scenes needed by now, so u wouldn't have gotten a lil scene. still, i would choose jeongguk.


u didn't get any scenes from yoongi or taehyung, so how are u supposed to get the neutral ending now? well, this reader interactive story is different from most reader interactive stories.. but i made it sort of obvious towards the end what u were supposed to do...

what i'm trying to say it that there wasn't an option to delete seokjin

you guys had to actually comment 'delete seokjin' for him to be deleted

and when seokjin deleted the others and changed their traits, etc, he mentioned that he had to pretend to be a reader so he could control these things. but there was never an option to do so,

do u get what i'm trying to say here?

yep, that's right. to get the neutral ending, all u had to do was comment "start over", "restart", something along those lines before taehyung's death and do it all over again...just taking a different person's route.

so now let's say u commented "restart"

all of the decisions above would basically have the same answers i already gave you, just change jeongguk's name to 'yoongi'. 

once it gets closer to taehyung's death again, comment "restart", and this time u would take the same path, just taehyung's route. all of the same decisions, just with 'taehyung' instead of 'yoongi' or 'jeongguk'

however, taehyung isn't a person you get a mini scene with when it comes to spending the weekend with one of the members.. but there's a hidden little scene in one of the decisions! (:

instead of saying "you'll always be my dearest friend", u would choose "i love you" and boom! that's where the hidden scene.

u would get a cutesy lil scene between namjoon and taehyung before everything starts to go way back downhill.

after that, u would play through the rest of the book however u wanted without commenting restart, and instead of taehyung becoming self-aware in almost the same way seokjin did, and then seokjin deleted everything and then u get a letter from seokjin saying "goodbye" and shit

well, if u got the neutral ending

everyone would've been saved !!! the universe wouldn't get deleted and u would have gotten a nice sweet little letter from me

except seokjin would still be deleted

and if u tried to bring him back


he would just delete himself

okay, bye bye!!!!!

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