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time to write a poem results!!

you picked: je▛█



another day passes, and namjoon returns to the literature club. he hadn't seen ɥosǝok or ſIWIᴎ yet today, but he wasn't really worried. they did say that he should try to be friends with other people instead...

"Ŵэľċŏmэ Ъαċқ ήαmפֿŏŏή," yoongi greets, ican'ttellifit'smeoryoongi'sexpressionbuttheweightofyesterday'squarrelstillhangsintheairabit. yoongi glances over his shoulder, looking around the room. jeongguk is reading manga at a desk and, surprisingly, seokjin isn't here yet. yoongi takes namjoon's arm and pulls him towards the corner of the room. 

"about yesterday," yoongi sighs. "i really need to apologize. nothing like that has ever happened before. something just..came over me, i guess. i wasn't acting mentally sound. please don't think we're usually like this in the club! not just me, but jeongguk as well." 

"i'm happy you were considerate and apologized, but you don't have to worry too much. even though i've only been here a couple days, i could tell something was off yesterday. maybe everyone was just a bit more sensitive because it was our first time sharing poems. but whatever it was, it didn't make me think any less of you or the club," namjoon said, smiling at yoongi.

yoongi shook his head. "don't say those kinds of things so frankly. they make me a little...too happy. i'm really glad you joined this club. everything is so much brighter with you around, and—" 

"hey," jeongguk interrupted. "have you guys seen seokjin?" 

namjoon shrugged. "i haven't. i was kinda wondering where he is also." 

"yoongi, i'm guessing you haven't either?" jeongguk asked. yoongi is taken aback by how calmly jeongguk is addressing him. "why are you looking at me like that?" 

"no, i haven't." he started to fiddle with his sleeve. "jeongguk, about yesterday... i just wanted to apologize. i promise i didn't mean any of the things i said, and i also promise to do my best to stay under control from now on."

jeongguk crossed his arms. "yoongi, what the heck are you talking about? did you do something yesterday? jeez, wΗÆτ∃¥∃Ґ'Š ΘÑ yΘυҐ mЇÑÐ, Ї'm ŠυҐ∃ Їτ wÆŠ ÑΘτΗЇÑ∉. Ї ÐΘÑ'τ ∃¥∃Ñ Ґ∃m∃mþ∃Ґ ÆÑyτΗЇÑ∉ þÆÐ Ηƶ¶∃ÑЇÑ∉. yΘυ'Ґ∃ τΗ∃ ¤ЇÑÐ Θζ ¶∃ҐŠΘÑ wΗΘ wΘҐҐЇ∃Š τΘΘ mυ©Η ÆþΘυτ τΗ∃ ∠Їττ∠∃ τΗЇÑ∉Š, ÆҐ∃Ñ'τ yΘυ?" 

"b-but...?" yoongi was clearly shocked by the boy's behavior. 

"mЇþυ∠∠Š ŠÆЇ∠©∠ΘτΗ þ∠ЇÑЊЇ∉Ητ ∠Їζ∃∠ЇÑ∃ ÆÑÆÑ Ґ∃©τЇ¶Æ∠Їτy ζÆυ∠τ∠∃ŠŠ∠y Θζζ∃Ґ∃Ð Š©∠∃ҐΘmÆ∠Æ©ЇÆ Ñ∃Ї∉Η∃Ð" jeongguk said, smiling at namjoon.

the door swings open and seokjin rushes into the classroom. "i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to be late. i hope you guys weren't worried or anything. my last period today was study hall, and i just kind of lost track of time." 

"that doesn't make any sense!" jeongguk stated. "you would have at least heard the bell ring." 

"i must not have heard it, since i was practicing piano." 

"that must require a lot of dedication," yoong said, smiling. "i'm impressed."

aw, well thanks, yoongi!

"you should play something for us sometime," jeongguk said, clasping his hands together. 

"i already have." seokjin looks at namjoon. "i'm also working on a song, but it's not done yet." 

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