Prologue (edited)

134 27 24

Three days ago


"Jenifer Jones reporting live from the city centre. We will be bringing you all the live action from today's proceedings." The young reporter turns and gestures at the crowd behind her. "As you can see there has been a huge turnout despite all the protests. People have been gathering since dawn to grab the best spots." Jennifer brushed a strand of red hair behind her ear. "This will be the first public execution in nearly six hundred years. This is also the first person to be found guilty of witchcraft in over five hundred years!" Her young face takes on a serious look as she presses-on with the report. "The official verdict is: guilty of ritualistic murder. Unofficial reports claim he is into witchcraft, and ritual sacrifice of animals. Even worse; reports claim sexual activity with children, even sacrificing them as well! Whatever the truth is, it has led to this, a live public execution. We will keep you updated as events unfold."

Jason Redfield stood tied to a post on the raised stage. He was completely naked. Every inch of his weak and starved body was on display. From head to toe he was covered in cuts and bruises from recent torture. The sky above was inky black, heavy with storm clouds that threatened a downpour at any second. The occasional clap of thunder rumbled. The stage stood at a crossroads in the very centre of the city. All around it people are packed in, pushing and jostling for position. The four main streets were also full. People hung out of shop windows and upstairs flats. Some even climbed onto rooftops. Everywhere; phones, cameras and recording devices were out trying to capture every second of the action.

People stared at Jason, he stared right back; his blue eyes blazing with anger and rage. As he stood and stared-down anyone who dares to look at him, Jason began to reflect on the final hours in this life. He had been locked in a stone cell, cold, naked and hurting all over. The gods had given him the strength to withstand the torture, he hadn't screamed or cried out, no matter how hard the witch hunters tried. He did not speak the lies that they wanted to hear. He did not confess his sins as a devil worshipper or a child killer. He would not accept Jesus as his Saviour and he certainly wouldn't beg God for mercy. In his final hour, alone in the cold and dark, Jason had prayed to Odin for all he was worth. Not to be saved or freed but to have the strength to face the upcoming ordeal. Jason had no fear of death, he knew a wonderful afterlife waited and he looked forward to walking in the summer lands; a place of peace and beauty, an evergreen land...

Jason snapped out of his thoughts as the crowd went quiet, the town hall was directly opposite him. He could see a group of guards on the stairs. All have riot shields and batons in hand. Jason swore violently as he spotted the man in the doorway behind them. Jason's rage grew as he looked at the man who had betrayed him, the man who had put him in this position. The guard's batter a way through the crowd but Jason's eyes remain fixed on the man in the purple robe. When he reaches the stage, he exchanges a casual nod with the executioner and stood behind Jason. The guards form up around the perimeter of the stage, trying to contain the clamouring crowd. Bishop Leo III stepped up to a microphone at the front of the stage and tapped it twice. The crowd instantly hushed. His voice boomed out of speakers all around the stage.

"Citizens! fellow Christians, as you know the year 2020 is rapidly approaching. It is the year of our Saviour's return."

The crowd cheered as people began making sings of the cross.

 "As you also know, God has given the church a holy mission, we must cleanse this world of filth and of sin, so the way may be made clear for our Lord Jesus to return."

"Amen!" roared the crowd.

Bishop Leo was a middle-aged man, his long nose and receding hairline gave him a vulture-like appearance. His beady grey eyes surveyed the crowd as he pointed a withered hand in Jason's direction. "This man is filth! He is sin incarnate!"

 The crowd begin to hiss and jeer. "He worships devils and demons! He sacrifices children to them!"

 Lies! It is all filthy lies! thinks Jason but the crowd is believing every word.

"He is a witch and a murderer! He must be punished!" The bishop raises his arms high, "it is God's will!"

 "It is God's will!" the crowd chanted back. The bishop motions for Jason to be brought forward and he addresses the crowd in a more solemn voice. "One thing we must always remember though, is that God is merciful and forgiving. All sins can be washed away by the blood of the sacrament." Jason gets hauled in front of the bishop by two guards, glaring defiantly.

"Speak your final words," said the bishop. "May I suggest you beg God for mercy."

"Go to Hell!" Jason roared as he spat in the bishop's face. "Odin! Your servant comes home!"

Jason sank his teeth into the arm of one of the guards holding him. With a yell of pain and surprise the guard lets him go. Jason wastes no time, swinging his free arm and hitting the other guard squarely on the nose. There is a crunch and a spray of blood as the guard's nose breaks. Wasting no time, Jason turns back to the first guard and shoves him off the stage. The second guard, holding his gushing nose, gets shoved off the stage before he even knew what hit him.  Yelling their outrage and disapproval at this display of defiance, the crowd is in an uproar. A third guard takes to the stage, baton in hand. He swings but Jason catches it in both hands. Before the guard can even blink, the baton is ripped out of his hands and Jason is swinging it at his head. The crowd falls silent as the sickening crunch fills the town centre. The guard drops lifeless to the ground. The seconds seem to stretch-out endlessly as Jason stands above the fallen guard. Cameras continue to roll and record, even though the faces of the people holding them are full of shock. Two more guards rush the stage, Jason's baton moves with lightning speed; then there are three bodies on the floor. The crowd start yelling again, they want Jason's blood, another two guards attack. They get struck-down as well. Some of the crowd start cheering at this, clearly this is an act of defiance and totally against the rules, but human bloodlust will always win-out. Some of them are clearly enjoying the spectacle of a naked man fighting for his life.

Jason continued to fight like a wild, desperate, cornered animal as more guards came. As the tenth body hits the stage, an odd movement in the crowd catches Jason's eye. Even though the crowd is tightly packed, they are now separating and forming a path. Three witch hunters make their way to the front of the stage, long trench coats flowing behind them, wide brimmed hats covering their eyes. Once they reach the stage they just stand there with an unnatural stillness. The distraction is enough. Stars explode across Jason's vision as a baton takes him in the back of the head. Dropping to his knees, batons continue to rain down on him. Once subdued, he is dragged over to the execution block but Still Jason fights and struggles. It takes four guards to pin him down and place his neck on the block. Pinned and unable to move Jason resorts to swearing and cursing everyone present. 

 A large raven flaps down onto the stage, it stops in front of Jason. No one else seems to notice the bird's presence. All eyes and cameras are focused on Jason as the executioner steps up to the block. The bird's presence is odd and disturbing, it only has one eye yet it also has a calming effect on Jason. He becomes still and peaceful. All his attention goes to the bird. The executioner starts to raise the axe and the first heavy rain drops begin to fall. The raven stands still as a statue as the world around Jason starts to fade, there is only the bird; nothing else matters now. The executioner hefts the axe above his head. The raven seems to bow its own head. A clarity fills Jason's mind. Suddenly it all becomes crystal clear. The rain falls harder as the executioner grunts and the axe begins to fall, a single tear runs down Jason's cheek mingling with the rain. He sees nothing but the bird which, like him, sheds a single tear. With his final breath Jason whispers to the bird, "there are more worlds than this..."

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