Chapter 28 (edited)

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Chapter 28

2840 years ago: Asgard

The land of the Aesir gods was a beautiful place, full of green fields and evergreen woodlands. Rivers flowed through picturesque valleys and rolling hillsides. Snow-capped mountains reached towards blue skies, while flowers of all kinds bloomed. In the very centre of these lands rose a great hill. Upon its summit was a golden hall that shone brightly in the sun. The golden hall belonged to Odin and its name was Valhalla. Inside, the mighty hall was filled with many feasting tables, all laid with golden plates, cutlery and drinking goblets. The walls were covered in an array of weapons and brightly painted shields, tapestries depicting great battles were scattered in between. The hall was brightly lit by many burning torches and two massive fires that blazed in hearths on either side of the hall. At the very back was a raised stage upon which stood another feasting table with twenty-six elaborately carved chairs. Only twenty-one of the chairs were occupied.

A massive feast had been laid out; plates of fruit, roast meats, platters of fish and jugs of mead but none of the gods were eating or drinking. At the foot of the table, three of the empty chairs had been draped with black cloth. Bunches of exotic, beautiful flowers had been laid on them in honour of the dead. The atmosphere was subdued and tense. This was a feast for the gods only, none of the warriors were present and only a few servants stood in the shadows.

Odin was at the head of the table glaring fiercely at the rest of the gods. his empty eye socket was bared and his remaining blue eye blazed. He wore his long purple robe covered in golden runes. His wild grey hair hung down around his shoulders. None of the gods could meet his gaze or dared to look directly at him. The cause of the unrest was casually sitting in the chair next to Odin, lounging back with a smug look on her face, Freyja was clearly enjoying the others discomfort. Wearing a forest green dress that matched her eyes, her long red hair was loose and flowing down her back. At her neck was a magnificent golden necklace studded with emeralds. No one noticed the doors to the great hall crack open and a tall, thin figure slip in. He kept to the wall and slowly made his way up to the stage.

Loki paused and frowned at the scene. There were so many things wrong with it that he didn't know where to start.  Why were there five empty seats? He had expected to only find three empty ones, His, Balder's and Nanna's.  Where was Thor? Loki's eyes came to rest on the head of the table. Why is Freyja sitting there? Has Frigg died as well? Is that who Odin has chosen as a replacement wife?

"Let's get this over with right now!" said Odin in a deep and menacing voice. "I can clearly see that none of you approve of my decision!"

All around the table, heads lowered and stared at the untouched food and empty plates. Freyja sat up straighter in anticipation and put on an imperious look. This was it! This was the moment she had been waiting for, the moment when it would become official.

"I rule Asgard. Does anyone here challenge this?" demanded Odin.

None spoke up; Odin's rule had never been challenged and never would be. The truth was none of the other gods were strong enough to challenge his power except maybe for Thor.

"When I am away on my travels, my wife has always ruled in my stead. Does anyone challenge this?"

Again, Odin's question was met with silence, none of the gods were even daring to breathe.

"My son is dead; my wife is as good as dead. I rule Asgard but I must have a second!"

The tension grew greater, everyone knew what the next words were going to be but who could stop them? Freyja sat up even straighter, eyes alight with anticipation.

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