Chapter 35 (edited)

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Chapter 35

Jason walked hand in hand with Eva down the rock-strewn beach, the sun was shining and the day was pleasantly warm. The tide was out and had retreated a long way, Leaving a wide golden sandy beach. They had watched the sun rise and then talked long into the morning. The raven had flown off into the sunrise and seemed to magically vanish.

"This is the paradise world that you believed in," said Eva "But somehow it has been twisted and warped into this hell."

Jason jumped up onto a large rock and stood staring out over the great sea, there were no islands or any other coastlines to be seen. As he stood there with arms crossed, black robe gently flapping in the wind, Eva was struck by just how powerful Jason appeared. He almost radiated an aura of power. His dark hair had grown long and wavy and it fluttered gently in the breeze.

"I think you are right and I think it all began with the destruction of that temple."

"Do you think the corruption can be undone? Could this be paradise again?"

Jason was silent for a while. "In time perhaps, with work. We have taken out one of the masters of this hell now we just need to deal with the other, Hella."


"That half living half corpse woman or should I say Goddess."

Eva gasped and stared at Jason's back. "You think she is a goddess? And you want to fight her?"

Jason jumped down from the rock and faced Eva.

"I don't think so, I know she is a goddess. I suspect that Janus was a god too. No, I do not wish to fight her but I feel we have no choice in the matter, she will come for us!"

"We cannot fight gods!" Eva cried. "Even if we do now have a full order of druids we still can't go around fighting gods!"

"Full order ha! Don't make me laugh, they are not druids, they don't care for gods or magic, all they want to do is eat and drink!"

"Well! Who's fault is that!" Tiberius yelled. "You two are supposed to lead them and make them into druids!"

Jason whipped his head around but there was no sign of the old druid. Eva was also looking around with a puzzled expression.

"What about you?" Jason challenged. "Why don't you lead them? Or train them? Why should we do it?"

"I will only give my time to those who choose to listen or want to learn!" Tiberius snapped back.

Eva's temper rose and she decided to weigh-in on the fight. "So, you admit they are useless too! And I've seen the way you choose. You choose to give all your time to your two favourite grand children! I've seen the way you are with Cassie and Alexia!"

A flash of scarlet fire erupted in front of Jason and Eva forcing them to stagger back a step. Tiberius appeared out of thin air, his blue eyes blazing with anger as he leant heavily on his druid's staff.

"My job was to reunite the group, this I have done! I am far too old to be leading the group so I shall only act in an advisory capacity. I have spent eighteen years alone in this godforsaken world and my only company was a group of silent servants. Then along came this wilful, stubborn, absurd girl!" Tiberius jabbed his finger hard into Eva's chest, "who gives me nothing but grief and attitude. So yes, I may favour the other two girls but they give me the respect I deserve and actually listen!"

"I do listen," said Eva sulkily.

"Well then perk up your ears and listen. If the four of you could just put your petty differences aside!" Eva flushed red - she knew that was aimed at her and her dislike of Cassie. "If you started acting like a leading group then the rest would follow. All they see is two girls that constantly bitch and snipe at each other, give each other filthy looks and make rude gestures when the other's back is turned; while the other two take sides and make no effort to bridge the gap!"

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