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Hella's world was full of pain, fire and burning, and she ended up in Muspell? Was she in the land of fire and brimstone? The pain faded but the burning remained, Hella opened her eyes and looked around. The ruined city was gone, the Passus, Furies, Druids were all gone. She was standing in the throne room of Gladsheim, she was naked and every inch of her body was burnt to a crisp.  Hella screamed in shock and pain.

"Peace my sister, we need to leave this world right now!"

Hella looked at the naked and badly burnt form of her sister.

"Why? What is the rush? We need to heal first."

"No time! We must flee, we are in major trouble."

"Is it Jason? What did he become in the end? Did you see his eyes?"

Gullveig turned and stalked off towards her back room. "Yes, I saw his eyes and that is why we are in trouble."

"He is no threat, that neck wound will have killed him by now. All of them are dead."

Upon the throne reclined a figure dressed in a black suit. Gullveig didn't notice him as she stalked past. Hella was too busy whimpering and looking at her ruined form. He raised a black eyebrow when Gullveig returned from the room fully restored to her old self, dressed in a blue robe, all traces of the burns gone.  She thrust a bottle of blue glowing potion at her sister.

"Drink this!"

Hella choked and gagged on the potion but the instant soothing effects made her drink more, it felt like ice slowly spreading through her limbs and veins, cooling her fire ravaged body. Both the man's black eyebrows rose as he watched the potion's effects on Hella. Within seconds her body was restored.

"I can open a portal and get us to Vanaheim. When the remaining Furies get here they can help transport the gods back home."

The man was still unnoticed on the throne as he looked eagerly around at the lifelike statues.  So these are the Vanir gods?

"I don't understand?" said Hella. "What has you so worried? Why must we run?"

"If I am right then we are up against something we cannot fight." Gullveig started pacing around the throne room. Hella trailed after her, they were still unaware they were being watched.

"Will you just tell me your mind?" Hella shouted.

Gullveig paused and turned to face her sister. "I must be wrong! In the whole history of the nine worlds there was only one race ever, that could control dragons like that and it was said that they bred them in the first place, but they are a mythical race a thing of legend!"


"The Fae!"

"The Fae? But what's the problem, he will be dead by now!"

The man on the throne decided to make his presence known, Loki rose to his feet and said, "Jason is not dead, none of them are. The cursed Aesir gods were present, disguised as those black cats. They managed to get the leading group of druids out. I don't know how far they would get though."

Both witches turned their attention to the throne. Both wore stunned, open mouthed expressions on their faces.

Loki chuckled and looked his daughters over. "The Fae are the beginning, they were the very first race to inhabit Midgard, all of us, Gods, dwarfs, elves, giants, mortals are all descended from the Fae, and each race has a root Fae bloodline."

Hella just gaped at her father while Gullveig nodded thoughtfully.

"The Fae bloodline lies dormant inside every mortal. If Jason's has awoken, then more will follow. If that happens then an ancient prophecy shall come to pass." "What prophecy?" Gullveig demanded.

Loki spread his arms wide and began to recite the prophecy.

"In the begging there was the Fae, Immortal, wise, fair and strong. They lived in peace and light, a paradise world was born. Then came the chaos and darkness. Demons and beasts of the black came. Duality was born. The ruling Fae divided, hiding in different worlds. The Fae were the beginning. They shall be the end. When they re-emerge, a final war will be waged. Good vs Evil, Light vs dark. A battle to end it all. Ragnarok shall begin."

Duality  : Book 1 of  Codex ElysiumHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin