Chapter 45 (edited)

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Chapter 45

The Temple Druids sat around the great table, getting drunk and stuffing their faces as usual. The four seats at the head of the table sat empty as usual. Fires blazed in the hearths, torches burned brightly, keepers silently drifted around handing out glasses of wine and plates of food. All focus was on the bottom of the table. Matthew stood, he had the intimidating air of a bully. He was heavily built but it was all fat, greasy black hair curled wildly on top of his head, hard blue eyes surveyed the group, and he had one hand raised with palm open, a ball of scarlet fire danced there. Matthew had clear plans to take over the group, although no one really liked him. He was bullying his way into a position of power. He had three cronies who were just as bad as he was and went along with everything he said. Ryan was tall and skinny, with cold grey eyes and short black hair. Jo was tall and blonde. She seemed to have a permanent sneer on her face. Then there was rat-faced James.

"I have had enough!" Matthew shouted. "Why should we keep on training? In the cold, the wet, in the early hours of the morning, why must we fight these zombie things?"

The group remained quiet, no one had the guts to speak up against the four of them. "This island is well fortified, well stocked. We have no need for fighting and training!" Matthew paused and stared hard around the table. He glared hard at the far corner before continuing, "and just where are our so-called leaders anyway? All they leave is a token gesture of their authority."

Matthew was referring to Tiberius, who as always was slumped in his armchair and fast asleep. Black Wind was in his usual place, curled up on Tiberius's lap. If Matthew had bothered to look closer, he would have seen a piercing blue eye glaring at him from under a grey bushy eyebrow.

"Jason claims to have great magical powers and that he is chosen by the gods but where is the proof?"

Still the group remained silent, Matthew concentrated and the flames in his hand turned blue.

"I am showing you my power. This is real proof, and I say we call for a vote on a new leader!"

"I agree!" said Ryan. Oh, what a surprise! thought Tiberius. Ryan was a typical yes-man and probably didn't have a single independent thought in his head.

"Why should we fight? Why should we give a damn about the city or try to save the lost souls?"

The double oak doors slammed open with extreme force. Jason stormed in, face set in a furious snarl.  He walked up to the head of the table and kicked his chair over.

"Because it is our duty as druids to do so! What point or purpose do we serve if we just sit around stuffing our faces and getting drunk?"

Matthew narrowed his eyes at Jason, the ball of flames growing brighter.

"This is the afterlife, we worked hard in our past lives so I say we enjoy this one!"

Yeah right! You've never worked a day in your life! thought Tiberius. Eva stepped up besides Jason. Cassie and Alexia quickly flanked them.  A flicker of panic crossed Matthew's face but he quickly hid it.

"You're too late!" said Matthew. "We have already taken a vote and I have been appointed the new leader of the group" Jason glared around the table, everyone dropped their heads and wouldn't meet his gaze, and he turned to look at Tiberius in the corner. Had he really allowed this to happen?

"No use looking at sleeping beauty, we tried to wake him but he wanted no part in it!"

Matthew crooned. Tiberius gave Jason the smallest of winks, that he barely noticed before turning back to the group. Why were they just sitting there? Why did they say nothing?  Turning back to Matthew he spat.

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