Chapter 19 (edited)

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Chapter 19

The druids observation tower is a simple round structure which towers over the mansion, a narrow stone staircase winding its way up inside and ends in a trapdoor. The observation deck is a flat open space with no buildings or any kind of shelter. As Eva emerges from the trapdoor the cold icy wind hits her, the drizzle instantly dampening her hair. She breathes a sigh of relief as she finally finds Jason, sitting alone with his arms wrapped around his knees and staring off into the distance at the ruined city. He is soaked through and shivering, but seems unaware of it. Eva makes her way over and sits down next to him. The cold and wet quickly sinks in.  She tries to think of something to say.

"I once believed in a happy afterlife, a beautiful land full of trees and flowers, sparkling streams and snow-capped mountains. It was always sunny, never too hot or too cold."

Jason made no reply, he just kept staring towards the ruins on the horizon.

"I know what you're going through, I went through it too. Woke up in the ruins, met this crazy preacher man who kept convincing me this was Hell! I wouldn't listen so in the end I got stabbed for my trouble and was left to bleed to death."

A muscle twitched in Jason's jaw but still he didn't respond.

Eva shivered violently as a cold gust blew through her robe. "You know you'll end up dying of exposure up here, let's go in and we can talk this out."

"Ha! I can't die. How can someone who is dead die again?" Jason jumped to his feet and walked towards the edge of the tower. 

Eva quickly scrambled to her feet, ready to grab him in case he tried to jump. 

"I was gutted like a pig, I should've died of blood loss long before we reached this place. You should've too!"

Eva put a hand on Jason's arm. They both stood and stared at the city.

"I know I should've but Tiberius thinks time moves differently here, the dying process takes much longer. It could be magic from the demons that rule this world."

Jason waved a dismissive hand at the city or maybe at this world in general.

"Demons, magic, death, it's all meaningless here. I should've died you know. The book was quite clear that the spell would end my life."

Eva stayed quiet, now that Jason was talking she didn't want to interrupt him.

"I didn't mind though, I had seen enough of this world to know I don't want to stay," Jason spread his arms wide as lightning flashed repeatedly. "I should've died yet here I stand, the whole of Hell spread out before me and this is where I am damned and this is where I will spend eternity!"

"No, you're wrong," said Eva. "There is a world much worse than this, if you go there then you will never leave, it is a place of final death and punishment!"

Jason turned to face Eva, it was the first time he had truly looked at her. Being caught in battles and nearly dying didn't really give you a chance to look at people. Jason was struck by just how beautiful Eva was, her dark eyes were big and full of emotion. Pale skin and long raven hair gave her a gothic look. Of course the black robe added to that look. She was no taller than Jason and she wasn't afraid to look him in the eye.

"How can any world be worse than this?"

"There is a cold, grey world, a land of shadows and misery, no sun or moon shines, the plants all grow pale and in autumn colours."

"Helheim!" Jason grabbed Eva by the shoulders and stared into her eyes, "is that it?"

"I don't know its name, neither does Tiberius." She shivered violently again, "we need to go inside now, we can sit and talk this all-out."

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