Chapter 44 (edited)

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Chapter 44

Present time: Midgard

"People! The time is near, the witch will burn just as God wills it!"

Bishop Leo III stood on a raised block in Glevum's city centre. All around him stood a silent crowd who listened raptly to every word.

"We are doing God's work, purging the world of evil and sin, my friends our task is working, there is clear proof that we have angered Satan here today!"

There was something almost inhumane about the bishop, his long nose, high forehead and receding hairline gave him a vulture-like appearance, his eyes were so bloodshot they seemed red. He jumped down off his block and paced in front of the crowd, purple robe billowing.

"Here is the proof, every time we kill a witch, the army of Satan swells and comes back bigger to the next burning!"

The bishop was referring to the clear division in the crowd. One half was full of people with phones and cameras at the ready, crosses hung around their necks, on badges or held in hands. The other half was full of anti-witch hunters holding signs and banners all bearing Alexia's face. In the centre of all this was a cleared area, surrounded by a metal barricade. Sophia was in this clearing, tied to a stake. People were eagerly heaping firewood around her. Directly in front of Sophia stood the three witch hunters who had captured her. They stood like statues, wide brimmed hats covering their eyes.  Sophia looked down at the firewood, Oh how Medieval! She thought.

The wood was green and freshly cut. She dimly recalled an old history lesson, green wood burns slower and would make the whole thing last longer. Sophia reflected on how quickly her life had gone to hell. It was just three months since the witch hunts had started, since the first man was tried and convicted as a witch. Just three months since a man named Jason Redfield had tried to escape his own execution, how many guards had he taken down? Ten? Twelve? Sophia couldn't recall exactly, she tried to put herself in his mindset, he had been starved, tortured, beaten but still he had the will to fight. Sophia had gone through the same process, underneath the simple grey dress she wore, her body was covered in cuts and bruises. Her wrists had been crudely stitched up, just enough to stem the blood flow and keep her alive. She felt light-headed and dizzy, whether from hunger or blood loss she didn't know. One side of her chest was a blaze of pain, she suspected that a couple of ribs were broken. To sum it up, there was no way she could even think of fighting her way out of this. Bishop Leo III called for silence, it was time for the lord's prayer.  Oh goddess! It's nearly time, thought Sophia. Fear and panic began to grip her. Once the prayer was done the fire would be lit and she would die a horrid death.  The cross-bearing half of the crowd chanted the prayer along with the Bishop.

"Our father, who art in heaven..."

No! No! Not like this, I can't die like this!

"Hallowed be thy name..."

Please someone save me! Tears began to fall as the weight of the situation hit her.

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done..."

Oh, please help me!

"Give us this day our daily bread...."

Okay, got to concentrate, focus, think of Elysium. What the hell is Elysium? Sophia suddenly realized that she had no idea what this world was. Gullveig had said she would be waiting there so did it really matter?

"Deliver us from evil and lead us not into temptation...."

Doesn't Elysium mean paradise in Latin? Sophia desperately tried to remember.

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