Chapter 21 (edited)

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Chapter 21

The storm clouds were beginning to thin. A weak and watery sun was poking through, casting its late afternoon light on the druids' island. Even the raging sea had calmed and gently lapped at a rocky beach below. Tiberius stood on a balcony above the mansion's main doors, he was enjoying the action in the courtyard below. Sunlight glinted off the two blades as they clashed again and again. The ringing of steel filling the air. Eva had been teaching Jason archery, her element was air and it gave her exceptional skills with the bow. Channelling the wind, she could make her arrows go further than was possible, more accurate than possible and hit with more force. Jason's element was fire so he couldn't do the same, but he could still match most of Eva's shots, just not the extremely long-range ones. Tiberius noticed that Jason had an extremely competitive streak in him. And as his anger grew at not being able to match Eva's shots, it triggered his fire craft. The tip of Jason's arrow burst into flames and he began firing flaming arrows with great accuracy. A useful talent. Noted Tiberius.

After archery, Eva wanted sword fighting lessons in return. Jason stood in the courtyard, topless, sweat gleaming on his chest, the ragged scars on his back and abdomen standing out clearly. Eva was also soaked in sweat, breathing heavily, she was stripped down to a small top that was soaked through. The matching scar on her abdomen could clearly be seen. Eva screamed as she rushed at Jason again, their swords clashed again and again, green emeralds flashing in the sun. They were fighting with sharp swords not practice ones and neither one was holding back. The two of them were evenly matched, but if Tiberius had to put money on one of them, he would bet that Jason would win-out in the end. Jason let out a war cry as he sent a flurry of blows raining down. Eva staggered under the impact but met everyone. With a scream of her own she countered and sent her own hammering attack at Jason, forcing him back across the courtyard. On and on they fought as they cut and thrust and parried, neither giving an inch.

Tiberius was mesmerised by the fight, he had no idea that Eva had so much skill with a blade. She always favoured her bow. How have they not injured each other yet? Tiberius looked closely, but there was not a scratch or cut on either of them. Jason chopped low at Eva's legs but her sword was there to meet it, their swords broke apart then clashed again. Both of Tiberius's bushy grey eyebrows rose as a mistake was finally made. The rhythm was lost and both took advantage of it. Jason stood breathing heavily, the tip of his sword at Eva's throat. Eva, also panting hard had her blade pointed at Jason's heart. With a brief nod, they both broke apart and sheathed their swords.

"You have some impressive skills," said Jason as he clutched his scarred side.

"You too," said Eva as she also clutched her wounded side.

"I think... We still... have some healing to do."

Two keepers drifted over with their t-shirts and black robes in hands. After getting dressed they disappeared inside unaware of their spectator on the balcony above.

Tiberius frowned at the now empty courtyard. Clearly those two were up to something, and they spent all their time alone. Jason was even sleeping in Eva's room, now they were practicing fighting skills? Tiberius decided he would keep an eye on them. He would find out what they were planning.

Tiberius didn't like the division that was growing in this new group, just like Eva and Jason, Cassie and Alexia were becoming like sisters and spending their time alone as well. At least the two girls had the decency to join him for meals, unlike Jason and Eva who always ate in their room.

Maybe Tiberius was a little jealous that he didn't have a close friend? Even before the new arrivals, he had never been close with Eva. There was a serious generation gap between them and he never had time to indulge her childish ways. Tiberius sighed heavily and looked down at the little black cat at his feet. Even with three more humans in the house, he was still alone with nothing but silent keepers and a black cat he had named Black Wind as his only company.  If only you could talk. The little black cat looked up at the old man, green eyes seeming to glow. I can talk, if only you would listen.

In the back of the druids' compound was an old stable. It was a very basic construction, little more than a barn with a few stalls really. It was old but well maintained. Brutus and his fellow cats had taken up residence there. Most of the cats were asleep but the little one, Celeste was curled up in Alexia's lap and purring contently. Tiberius walked in, Black Wind at his heals. "Have you learned your cat's name yet?" asked Alexia. 

Tiberius settled himself down next to the young girl, his cat instantly jumping into his lap. "Learned his name? I've called him Black wind."

"Did you ask him if you could call him that?"

"Ask him? Don't be absurd since when do you ask a cat for permission to name it?"

Looking down at his cat Tiberius scratched him between the ears.

"You don't mind me calling you Black Wind do you?"

The cat purred deeply and Tiberius gave Alexia a triumphant look.

"I think he is okay with it."

"You named him after your old stallion, didn't you?"

Tiberius sighed deeply as he thought of his old stallion. He missed galloping over the open grasslands, the wind flying through his long hair. He could've ridden that stallion from sunrise to sunset and never grown tired. He had ridden on the cat once but that wasn't really the same thing.  It's not like you can strap a saddle to a cat and ride it across the plains, Tiberius thought.

"Of course, you could."

Tiberius looked over at Alexia. She was busy fussing over her kitten. Where had that voice come from? It was almost as if it was in his head. The cat was staring up at him, emerald eyes never blinking. I must be losing my mind thought Tiberius. Riding a cat like a horse! How absurd. Black Wind jumped off his lap and stretched, beginning to grow towards his full size. Tiberius stood and eyed the sabre-toothed cat.

"Do you seriously expect me to ride you? At least horses have saddles!"

In answer, a saddle magically appeared on the cats back. Alexia stopped playing with Celeste and stared at Black Wind. She watched Tiberius shake his head and begin to mount the cat.  Looking down at her cat, she asked,

"can you do that?"

"Of course!"

Celeste grew to her full size then a saddle magically appeared on her back too. Once mounted a set of reins appeared in Alexia's hands.

"We must be out of our damn minds!" said Tiberius as the cats trotted towards the stable doors.

"I don't know," said Alexia. "This could be very useful." Scratching the massive cat between the ears Tiberius said,

"okay then Black Wind, let's see what you've got.

" Black wind let out a roar and Celeste answered it with one of her own.

Cassie stood on the stairs leading to the mansion's front doors. All she could do was gape at the sight before her. Tiberius was racing across the courtyard on the back of a sabre-toothed cat. His grey hair and beard flying wildly as they went.

"Open the main gate!" Tiberius screamed at a nearby keeper. 

Before Cassie could process what, she was seeing Alexia came racing across the courtyard. Black Wind thundered out of the gate towards the coast, Celeste close behind.  Cassie just shook her head. There is no way I'm learning to ride like that!

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