Chapter 46 (edited)

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Chapter 46

Titus stood on a rooftop frowning up at the sky. Dawn was still over an hour away but he couldn't sleep. He stood fully dressed and armoured up. He didn't know what was tugging at his mind but he felt some unknown threat brewing, he was sure it was coming from those damn crows. For the last two hours, he had been up on all the rooftops on the very southern border of the city, scanning the darkness for any threats but had seen nothing. There was no moon in the sky and the dark was complete, but even so Titus at last picked up movement. Maybe he had some small amount of night vision? But he could definitely make out figures moving in the blackness. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. this night had that same eerie feeling as that fateful day three months ago.

Titus had been sure he had seen emerald lightning strike that day. He frowned at the memory, and one strike could have been dismissed as imagination but three green lightning strikes? Titus and his sister had been savaging in the city a couple of days later when they came across that damned crow and his stupid little cat. He swore at the memory. Jason had been willing to fight him in a duel, then that arrogant man in sandals had shown up and caused a huge battle. Titus shivered as the wind began to rise. The building on which he stood looked out over the coastal plains. He squinted into the dark as the shapes came closer. At first, he just saw a couple but then more and more were emerging.  The damn crows are attacking in force! Well if they want a war I'll give them one! Titus took one last look at the advancing shapes then turned and raced back to camp


Fallon sprinted swiftly down the north road, Mist was easily keeping pace with her. They were both so fit that they were not even close to being out of breath, allowing them to chat as they ran.

"Since when are we sent out on retrieval missions? Who is this Sophia anyway?"

"Are you questioning orders?" snapped Fallon. "Who cares who she is, we are to retrieve her and bring her back to Gladsheim; end of story!"

"I just find it strange, why do we need the full army just for one girl? Is she going to put up a fight?"

On Fallon's other side Rayne ran silently, she shook her head at Mist's questions but stayed out of it. Behind them the rest of the Furies ran silently.

"And what's with those monsters?" asked Mist. "Where have they come from? How can we achieve speed and stealth with them in tow?"

Now on this point Rayne did agree with Mist, the beasts made a huge racket, roaring, flapping huge leathery wings, rattling and fighting their chains. If they started breathing fire then their whole cover was blown, they may as well light a massive beacon and shout,

"here we are."

"Who are those huge men trying to control the beasts? Where have they come from?"

Fallon faced Mist without breaking stride. "You know, you ask way too many questions. I don't have any answers for you. The Queen's orders were to retrieve the girl at all costs, the beasts are a backup in case things get out of hand."

"How are they backing up? Those things will attack us as well, do we really need them?"

"More questions," muttered Fallon.


"Is it really necessary to be up this early?" grouched Tiberius. "I could be in my nice comfy warm bed right now, I am far too old to be out and about at this hour."

"Yes, it is!" snapped Jason. "I don't want to be detected. In and out before dawn breaks."

The two druids marched at the head of the group, Cassie, Alexia and Eva followed behind. The rest of the druids marched behind the lead group with a group of fifty keepers behind them, who wore much lighter, leather armour, rather than the heavy black stuff they wore back at the island. Up ahead five little black cats ranged out across the plains, high above, unseen by all flew the great black raven.

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