Chapter 37 (edited)

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Chapter 37

"Okay what's with all the secrecy? And why here?" asked Cassie.

"Yeah what's wrong with the nice dining hall? With the big warm fires and all the food?" asked Alexia.

The group stood shivering on top of the observation tower. A freezing wind was blowing and the clouds threatened snow at any minute.

"Every time we try and meet in the hall, those stupid keepers summon the rest of the group," said Jason.

"This doesn't concern them, this is about us."

"Are you breaking up with us?" asked Cassie in a mocking voice. Alexia snorted.

Eva threw the girls a filthy look and Cassie gave her one right back.

"This is exactly why I brought you here," said Jason as he pointed an accusing finger at the girls.

"You two need to settle your differences and learn to work together!"

"What are you? A counsellor now? Group therapist?" Cassie shot back.

"I have to return to the city and I need the backup of the whole group. Right now, not one of them listens to me or cares about what we say. We need to put our differences aside and start working as the leading group, then the rest will follow."

"Well you can start by telling your little girlfriend to stop giving me attitude all the time!" Cassie spat and glared at Eva.

The two girls squared off, fury burning in both their eyes.

"My attitude? What about your attitude?"

"If all you've brought me up here for is to watch these two fight and argue, I'm going back inside," said Alexia.

She was shivering badly, teeth chattering. Jason looked between the two girls facing off; then at the shivering Alexia. He pointed his fingers at the stones between them, and dark purple, almost black flames erupted from between the stones. Everyone stared at the magical campfire but then quickly embraced the warmth.

"Why that colour? Asked Alexia. "Didn't want to blind us, plus I didn't want to light a beacon for the whole world to see.

Oh, so the guy does have some sense! thought Tiberius. Using his power of invisibility, he stood off to one side of the group. He longed to get closer to the warmth of the fire, but he didn't dare reveal his presence as he wasn't invited to this little meeting.

"It seems to me that we are all stuck in this hell world," said Jason. "We are meant to be leading this group and I want us all to become friends. Now I don't know what your problem is but I want to sort it out right now!"

Cassie glared at Jason. "My problem is with her attitude, she hates me!"

"What! I don't hate you!" Eva snapped back.

"Yes, you do! You always have done!"

"That's absurd! I don't even know you, how can I hate you?"

Cassie crossed her arms and glared defiantly at Eva.

"Oh please, ever since the first time Jason and I walked into that coffee shop, you have hated me! always giving me filthy looks, refusing to talk to me."

"What?" cried Eva and Jason at the same time. Cassie cast a look between the two of them, then she slowly became confused by their blank looks.

"Don't you remember? Eva used to work in that coffee shop that we always went to. You had such a massive crush on her."

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