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Savage P.O.V

"I was gone tell you about that."

"Oh yea? When before or after this fake ass wedding!" She said taking the ring off and throwing it at the window.

"Why you being so dramatic it ain't that serious." I know that was some dumb shit to say but I ain't know what else to say, she laughed. "I am done with you and your bullshit, you wanna be a hoe go be one I don't give a fuck... I hope you catch aids and die!" I was shocked I mean that was some harsh shit to say, damn near hurt my muhfuckin feelings.

I stopped at a red light and she hopped out the car, I had to wait til the light changed to go park.

Felicia P.O.V

I may have overreacted to the situation but he get on my nerves, like he was talking all that shit about how the lifestyle he's living not fit for kids, but it's okay to have a baby by another female. Got me fucked up but since he wanna play that game so can I.

"Baby I'm sorry but you can't be mad at me it ain't like I planned this shit, I didn't mean for that hoe to get pregnant!" He said sitting next to me. "But you kept it from me for I don't know how long... How old is she?" I asked he sighed. "She only 4 but I ain't wanna tell you cause I ain't wanna lose you!" I stood up and walked away, he followed behind me. "Stop and talk to me, you always walking away when we got problems... If you would just stop and listen maybe we could fix the shit." He said grabbing my arm, I snatched it away.

"Fix what? You have a 4 year old daughter with another on the way! Yea I bet you thought I didn't know about that... There's nothing here to fix you don't love me, you don't even care about me and I don't wanna hurt anymore... So I'm gone fall the fuck back, fuck these feelings I have for you, fuck you, them bitches and them things... I hope y'all have the worst fucking life!" His jaw clinched I could tell he was mad but ion care like I said fuck them.

"Don't talk about my kids like that!" He said through clinched jaws.

"So you choose them things over me... Oh of course you do I don't even know why I asked, you don't give a fuck about me!"

"Their not a things Felicia and baby I love you but you not fynna disrespect my kids like that... Fuck I didn't mean for none of this to happen!" He yelled punching the wall.

"Rather you meant it or not you did it, then proposed to me knowing you had a babymama, and you promised to always be honest Suave... I didn't ask for you to be faithful I didn't ask for much but that you be real with me, I was nothing but good to you and what I get in return disloyalty, dishonesty and a fucking babymama!" He rubbed his head.

"Baby I'm sorry I fucked up and I see that shit, but that don't change the fact that my daughter here and I might have another on the way. What I did was in the past I can't change it, since our engagement I'm trying to change to make a future for us but you can't fault me for some shit I did before that." I couldn't control my emotions one part of me wanted to hug and kiss him cause I know he trying, but the other part of me screaming fuck him, cut him, kill him, I hate him, I hate every bitch he fucked with, I hate them kids for ruining my life but most of all I hate myself for loving him. "Let's go home."

"No I hate you, let go of me!" I was constantly screaming "I hate you" it drawled alot of attention but no one stopped to ask me was I okay or if I needed help, because everyone on this side of town knew who God was and feared what he was capable of.

"Yo Felicia you a'ight... This guy bothering you?" Marlon a guy from school asked me. "Yea bruh she straight."

"I don't think I was talking to you!" He said getting out the car. "Nigga I don't give a fuck get back in yo bullshit ass car and mind your own fucking business... And Felicia bring yo ass on!" He said shoving me in the direction towards the car, I tripped and busted my lip.

"Suave leave me alone look what you did!" I was crying and wiping the blood off my lip, when a officer pulled up, Savage walked up to me and tried to get me off the ground. "Sir get back, Ma'am are you okay?" He asked with his hand on the holster of his gun, Savage put his hands up and backed up. "Yes I'm fine."

"Okay, well I got an call on a Domestic Disturbance... Are you sure your okay." I nodded my head yes. "Well I'm going to have to ask you guys to move it on." I walked up to Marlon and asked for a ride, he said okay then opened the door for me I got in and he drove off. That was the last time I've seen Savage in a long time.


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