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Felicia P.O.V

7 long hours of labor and my baby boy Buddha Malone Jamaal Cartel was finally here; he was 6lbs 10oz with no hair whatsoever, Bullet and Poppa was still here but I told them to go home there was no point of them being here.

I didn't get a chance to hold my baby for long because him and I both were tired. But I couldn't sleep I had to find a good lawyer for Gotti and start making funeral arrangements for Jamaal, and I most definitely was gone get all them officers badges revoked, I made sure to get their badge numbers.

JaMarcus walked in and I started to tear up, with so much going on I forgot about him. "I'm so sorry!" I said looking at him he fake smiled.

"Where's the baby?" He asked sitting next to me I wiped his eyes, he looked like he had been crying and knowing him he have just not gone show me. "You look real shitty what did they give you, crack!?" I shook my head my poor god baby he must be in a so much pain, I can't imagine losing the two only people I know.

I cried staring in his eyes this couldn't be real this had to be a dream, he wrapped his arms around me crying also.


After three days in the hospital Marcus and I got released, Bullet came to pick us up and take us to the house. "Thanks."

"No problem". He said helping getting the baby out the car, the house was trashed. I picked a couple things up off the ground; there were cracked pictures and broken glass everywhere.

"Marcus watch out there glass everywhere." I said he doesn't really say anything anymore I know it's because he's hurting, I just hope it doesn't last long. I was gone send him to a psychiatrist after Jamaal Funeral and before school started back.

He helped me wipe Buddha down, dress him then feed him. We laid in my bed watching movies until they both were asleep, than I got out of bed and onto my knees.

"Dear god I ask that you watch over my boys and hold Jamaal in your arms, I pray that they never have to feel pain, and no matter what they will always remember that I loves them both equally. I hope everyday that they chase their dreams and live for the moment cause nothing in life is promised, not tomorrow, not the next hour nor minute... Oh and God tell Jamaal I love him and I'm sorry I couldn't protect him."

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